Chapter 20

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Every chance he could get, day or night, Johan buried his face in his textbooks. He would be deep into his studies that the hours flew by. If he believed he had gone through the lessons as much as he could, he would pick up another topic of interest. For all the time he felt wretched and defeated he wanted to make up by concentrating on his studies.

After weeks of seeing his grades decline, he has made a miraculous recovery. All the study that went in during this trying period finally paid off, but this victory was merely a side-effect.

'These dreams had gone on for too long unchecked. Those wicked visions, I allowed them to control me for far too long.'

Aside from his devotion to his college work, he also set time for meditation to clear his head, decided to write stories on a variety of topics that were more optimistic, and started a jogging routine every morning. Anything to get his mind off his dreams. These apparitions that were draining him mentally, he was starting the process of removing them from his system. 'If I can remove these haunting visions then perhaps maybe I can finally move on with my life.'

The results of all these endeavors gave him confidence that he could overcome his anguish. He truly believed that all he had to do was create a habit out of this routine and his ill desires would finally deplete into nothingness. He just had to continue until that eventual time would come.

"Morning Johan," Wendy greeted him.

"Morning, Wendy" he greeted them as he headed toward the kitchen.

"Did you get any sleep this time?"

"I was up studying."

"Always buried in books, huh? I've noticed you've been doing it a bit more than usual."

"That's because my grades have been lapsing. I need to make up for it."

"You? Slacking off your grades?"

"I'm not perfect. I am a human being and sometimes I lose focus."

"I see. And what was the cause for your loss of focus?"

"Just... general stress, I guess. You know, mid-terms are coming up."

"You really are taking college so seriously. I don't remember you taking high school so seriously."

"That's because we're no longer in high school. We have to be more responsible as young adults."

"I guess I should take a lesson from you rather than Margaret. She's always so lax about things. So, are you going to make breakfast?"

"Yes, of course."

"And you're finally going to catch up on that as well?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry for lapsing on the chores as well. I'll make breakfast from here on."

"And dinner?"

"If you want."

Wendy chuckled, "Then I look forward to it. You make better meals than I do."

When the pans started to sizzled, he tossed in a few strips of bacon, whipped a few eggs, and baked potatoes. He offers a plate to his roommate which they gladly accept.

"You've been cooped up in here for days," Wendy said. "When was the last time you went out?"

"As I said, I've been trying to make up the faltering in my grades."

"How about taking a break? Let's hang out today."

"I don't know about that. I still feel I should concentrate on my studies."

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