Chapter 27

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The smell of freshly baked bread, sauteed eggs mixed with sausage, and a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice welcomed Wendy when they sat at the dining room table.

"That should finally make up for the breakfast I missed," Johan said.

"And dinner?"

"Tonight will be the final night."

"Such a shame. You cook better than me, you know. I guessed I got spoiled." Johan laughed before proceeding to eat his breakfast as Wendy continued, "But I'm glad you're feeling better. Much better in fact."

"Was I really that bad?"

"For so long. You've been so depressed that I thought you were going to die any moment from grief. But looks like you're fully recovered."

"Yeah, I was out of it for a while, wasn't I?"

"So what did you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"You did something, didn't you? You talk to someone, maybe saw a psychologist?"

"That sounds quite rude of you to say, getting into people's business like that."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry into things."

"Just don't worry about it too much. Everything is going to be okay going forward. I feel like I've finally sorted things out."

"Well, if there is a downside, it would be better if you kept making breakfast." Johan chuckled in response.

As Wendy continued to enjoy Johan's breakfast, their phone started to ring which prompted them to get up from the table and head toward the couch.

"Hey, what's up? ... Oh really... yeah, sure, I'll come... Hmm... Johan?.... Yeah, I'll let him know... Okay, see you then." They leave the phone back on the couch and return to the table. "That was Francesca. She said they wanted your opinion on some men's clothing."

"My opinion?"

"Yeah. They were wondering if you had time to go shopping with them."

"I'm sorry but who is this 'they' you are referring to, if I may ask?"

"She said it was for someone's wedding but she wanted opinions on what he should wear. They figured you'd know more about it than me."

"He? Wait, I'm getting confused."

"Well I don't know who he is, but she said they wanted you to accompany him to figure out what they should pick out since she can't figure it out." Johan was further perplexed as he gave Wendy a confused look. "Oh, that's right, you weren't part of that conversation. One of Francesca's siblings is getting married and they want some opinions about what to wear."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense. So they actually considered you for this advice?"

"Hey now, just because I wear jeans and this striped shirt underneath a flannel jacket doesn't mean I don't know a thing about fashion."

"Is that so?"

"Well, I know some bit, at least enough to get their attention. Anyways, I'm going shopping with them later. Come along with us. They could use some advice about what the groom should wear."

"I'm interested in clothes for myself. I don't know what anyone else would like."

"Any advice is good advice."

"Not likely. I simply look for what I look good in. I'm a bad judge of character."

"Regardless, this is a good chance to get out, so let's get out."

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