Chapter 37

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As soon as the doors opened, Lucy stepped out of the train and ran toward the railing. "I've only been to a beach once on a field trip. This place is beautiful," she said marveling at the view of the ocean in the distance

As Lucy was entranced by the glimmering water under the setting sun, Johan caught up with her a few moments later. "You know, that was an hour trip, and add to that the walk from the train station, it's going to be dark by the time we get back. In fact, I should have taken the car."

He might as well have been talking to the wind as his words just flew by Lucy, fully immersed in the atmosphere. Her excitement for the moment drove her to run down the stairs onto street level, forcing Johan to follow her frantic pace once again. From cobblestone to sand, she removed her shoes and socks to feel the warm sandy beach underneath her feet. So giddy she was with delight that with her shoes on hand, she ran towards the shore. "We have to come here some other time, Johan. I want to swim in the ocean." Expecting a response, she turned around to find that Johan was nowhere near her. Only looking upwards toward the platform where she came from did she spot Johan immersing himself in the evening sky.

With her shoes back on, she returned back to the platform. "Hey, Johan." It was now him whose attention was elsewhere. Approaching him, a gleam was in his eyes as he watched the sun slowly dip into the ocean. "Isn't the sunset beautiful?" she commented.

"It sure is," he responded.

"Why not take a picture?"

"Don't need to. I have plenty of pictures of this sunset."

"You've been here before?"

"I used to come here on the weekends with my friends and meet up at the train terminal." He sighed "What happened to those times?"

Grabbing his hand, "Then show me around." This seemed to snap Johan out of his spell and upon seeing her eagerness to explore, he smiled and nodded.

She returned toward the shore to resume her playful run and gestured for Johan to join her. He obliged but it was clear he wasn't prepared for such an activity as he kept tripping in the sand. She couldn't help but laugh at how Johan struggled but eventually pitied him enough to finally calm herself down and takes things slowly.

A trip to the shops would be more his pace as both headed toward a small building. So many colorful and eye-catching souvenirs were being displayed but what caught Lucy's attention the most was a largely brimmed hat.

"Looks like I won't be able to afford it," she said looking at its price.

"You really want this?" inquired Johan. "I'm not sure if it suits you."

"What do you mean?"

"It's rather large."

She put on the hat and arranged it so that the drooping side of the brim was covering one of her eyes followed by a cute pose, "Don't I look amazing?"

Johan chuckled, "I guess I was wrong."

The comment was amusing enough to get a laugh out of Lucy as she placed it back, "But I wouldn't be able to afford it anyway. I guess my dad can buy it for me someday."

Both continued to explore the different stores, making small banter, looking at the wonderful variety of souvenirs, and laughing at Lucy's antics. Time just fizzled away as the sun disappeared into the horizon and the evening was concluded in a pizza shop where they ordered a slice each.

"I'm going to make it my life's goal to live near a beach," said Lucy. "I want to live in a house where I can see the ocean from the windows. Every morning, the sound of crashing waves and seagulls will wake me up, then I will go up to the window and pull open the blinds and the sea will welcome me with another wonderful day. I really want to do that."

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