Chapter 69

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"Maybe she's out looking for me?" Lucy said after knocking on her apartment door for the third time.

"Then call her."

When she dialed her mother's number, a faint jingle could be heard from inside the apartment.

"Huh? Hello?" She heard Carry's coarse voice through the phone.

"Mom? Are you home?"

"Who is this?"

"It's me, Lucy."

"Lucy, what are you doing calling me at this hour?"

"Mom, are you asleep?"

"I was taking a nap after a few drinks."

"Mom, I'm outside. Come open the door."

"What? Outside... What are you doing outside?"

Norman signaled to hand over the phone. "Carry, it's me. Open the door."

"Nathan, I told you I don't want to see you anymore. Either get the money or-"

"It's Norman, you idiot."

"Norman? What are you doing? Why am I getting so many calls this late at night? Did you just call me an idiot?"

"Carry, your daughter has run away and you are sleeping? Come open this door right now!"

"What!? Oh, that's right, Lucy ran away. Oh gosh. What am I going to do?"

Lucy took her phone back. "Mom, I'm right here. Open the door."

"Lucy, is that you?"

"Yes, open the door."

The lights of the living room seep through the doorway before the door opens. "Lucy, where have you been? You just disappeared out of nowhere. I was worried sick!"

"Were you?" Norman responded. "If you were so worried, why were you in bed sleeping?"

"Norman, what are you doing here? You come to my apartment uninvited and then start yelling at me."

"You disgust me, Carry. When are you going to grow up?"

"Oh, shut up. Who are you calling disgusting? How dare you talk to me like that."

"You guys!" Lucy said loudly. "Can we go inside and talk about this?"

"I'm not talking to him," responded Carry. Norman pushed her aside as he makes his way in. "Who told you you could enter my apartment? How dare you! I can call the police, you know."

"If anyone is going to call the police, it's me. You're so neglectful that you don't even care what happens to our daughter."

"And yet here you are bringing her back. I knew she was with you all this time, so I wasn't worried at all."

"She was on a train heading to a unknown city while you were getting drunk."

"Don't assume what I was doing! Who says I wasn't worried! I called the police so they were going to handle it."

"But I didn't see you out there looking for her."

Lucy stepped in front of them, "Stop it! Stop it you two!" She then turned to her father, "I didn't bring you here to yell at mom."

"That's right!" Carry said, "All he does is yell at me."

"Mom, you're no better. I did run away. I was on a train heading to a different city. I was about to disappear forever."

"You what? Lucy, what drove you to do such a thing?"

"You did. Both of you, but I already made up with dad and he said he was going to change his ways. Now it's your turn."

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