Chapter 66

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The rain reached its heaviest, showing no signs of relenting, but Johan kept driving as if his life depended on it. Whether it was a miracle or the old charging dock still had some life left before finally dying, as long as it had enough charge to read the email before dying again, he was thankful for it. Finally realizing the error of his ways, he continued his drive on the highway.

Arriving at the train station in the city, with his umbrella in hand, he ran towards the usual spot only to find it empty. Not a soul was present in the entire train station. A panic hits him as thoughts of terrible possibilities run through his mind. Blame and agony were rearing itself, but his determination didn't allow him to give up. "She probably stopped at the beach. Maybe she's waiting for me there."

Returning back to the beach, climbing the slippery steps as fast as he could, he arrived at the platform. It was just as empty as the one in the city with the exception of wet footprints left behind. "Could one of these footprints be hers? Did she board the last train? Did I barely miss her? Was I too late? Or maybe they aren't, and I'm here early. Maybe the next train coming, she'll be there. Or maybe... maybe... she already disappeared."

He walked forward toward the large opening area where Lucy once ran with excitement to see the sun setting over the ocean for the first time. The rain was so heavy that the area was now a tiny lake as Johan's shoes were deep in. "The love of my life," he uttered to himself but the rain drowned out his voice. He continued even louder, "how could I have been so foolish? This is all my fault. I am an idiot. How could I listen to everyone else by myself? Why did I trust everyone when even they couldn't give me an answer? I shouldn't have listened. They don't know me. They don't know who I am. They only make assumptions about me. They never cared about me, only their own self-interests! This is all their fault." Another train was passing by, adding to the loud noise that further drowned out his voice, causing him to speak even louder. "No, this is all my fault. I should've stood up on my own two feet. I should've been making my own decisions instead of letting everyone tell me what to do. I'm in love with Lucy. I'm in love with that girl. I don't care what anyone thinks anymore. I don't care about your stupid opinions. I don't care if she's younger than me by a decade. I'm in love with her. I love you Lucy. I love you so much. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for you. If only I had a second chance, I would declare my love and tell you that I want to be with you forever. I would hug you and never let go. Not even a thousand people would pry us apart. Lucy, I love you! I always have and I always will!" The weight of his stress caused his knees to falter and drop to the ground.

His tears were joining the raindrops as they joined the small river that his hands were dipping in. But with determination even though he didn't know where it came from, he got back up on his feet. "How many times have I beaten myself up? How many times have I blamed myself? Yes, this is all my fault, but crying won't do anything. Margaret is right, I'm not a man. I'm just a child. I'm still that child from high school. That pathetic fool who got too comfortable with acquiescing. I've had enough. That stops now, and this time I mean it. Even if I have to push what little friends I have left, I will no longer be pushed around anymore. Lucy, I'm going to find you. I'll spend the rest of my life if I have to. I have nothing anymore. Everything was taken away from me, and you're my everything. I don't care about college, or my grades, or my future. I don't care about my present state or my current friends. I don't care about my past either. The only thing that mattered to me is you, Lucy. Only you! Please, wait for me! Wait for me Lucy! Don't disappear. Not like this."

"Johan..." A quivering voice was heard a distance away, but even with the rain battering him, it rang as clearly as if it were on an empty hallway. It was such a familiar voice that Johan couldn't help but look at the train behind, the doors wide open, and a single passenger sitting on the seats watching him.

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