Chapter Nine

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New was going bonkers.

His hunger was growing with each passing second and he didn't know how long would he stay sane.

Cherry on top, the loud hustle and bustle of the market was getting to his head.

And a cherry on it's side was that the more he walked, the more he felt lost.

Damn was this a market or a maze?

He was getting angry too now because he was walking endlessly in circles,

Or maybe because he was ravenous,

Whatever it was, he only had one question,

Why wasn't he finding at least one vendor who happened to sell food?

Do they not eat in Bangkok while shopping?

By now, he'd seen multiple vegetables and fruit shops but was that all they had to offer?

Buy it and go make it at home?

Did they not know that they can make a living by-

An aromatic smell entered his nose like cool water being splashed on him on a hot summer day.

He momentarily closed his eyes as he took in a long inhale.

"Ah~" He breathed out as he opened them and looked around.

There, at his right, three stalls away sat a woman fanning a grill as smoke rose up from it.

He sighed in relief as he almost dashed. The key word here was almost.

"Sawasdee krub, aunty, what are you selling?" He asked quickly stopping before her and dearly eyeing the food,

"Sticky rice with grilled pork." She had the warm and shrill voice of a grandmother, "Eight baht for one packet of sticky rice and fourteen baht for a stick of grilled pork."

He almost gasped with joy as he exclaimed, "Then I'll take three packets of sticky rice and four sticks of grilled pork."

New watched as the woman nodded and bent a little to pull a paper plate and aligned three packets of sticky rice. She then took the freshly grilled pork sticks and placed them beside the packets, one on one.

She put her wrinkled hands forth as New gratefully accepted.

"Khob khun krub."

He sang as he picked up a stick and in one bite cleared it.

His eyes closed in ecstasy, his nostrils flared and he groaned with pleasure while simultaneously chewing.

He was wiggling his toes when he opened them. Swallowing as he exclaimed, "It's so delicious!"

The woman nodded happily as she fanned a new set of pork sticks. He picked up another stick and was about to bite from it when,

"What are you doing?"

New looked back as he met gazes with a black pair of eyes.

"Can't you see I'm eating."

He sassed as he turned back to eat. He had just opened his mouth again when a thought occurred to him. He slowly turned his head back only to find the man still staring.

Or staring rather confused?

New didn't ponder as he put his hand forth, "Here, try it. It's amazing."

His eyes fell at the stick in his outstretched hand. Tay, at first, just stared at that meat hooked up stick before slowly reaching out for it. Just as he'd taken it,

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