Chapter Fifteen

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"Was there someone in your life too?"

Tay looked away at that as a gush of wind blew back his hair. From sitting cross legged, he changed his position and stood his legs up, bent and placed his elbows above his knees, holding the side of his left hand with his right.

New kept his eyes at him as his hair also flew with the wind.

For a moment, New thought that he should have felt like he was overstepping his boundaries but his thought was countered with the possibility that they could end up married one day so this question was important.

What if there was someone in his life?

And what if he wasn't able to move on?

Then what? New wasn't going to quietly live a life of pain and agony.

"It was a simple crush really."

That caught New's attention, "It happened way back in training school."

"And if I'm asking about whether you had a partner or not?"

"Never once."

"Not even liked anyone after that?"

Tay still gazing at the waves, he shook his head, "Not really."

"Did you like them that much?"

That made Tay shift his eyes to him, taking a brief moment of gazing before saying,

"Just like you, I didn't like them that much."

He looked away again after that,

"Maybe because someone else took them before I could."

New nodded, looking in the same direction as Tay. It was better if he didn't ask more.

Who knew, it could hurt him, remembering about someone he couldn't even get to romance.

Tay combed back his hair as he asked, facing New, "What was the reason of your break up?"

New paused at that question. He hadn't expected the alpha to ask this. But just because he didn't expect this didn't mean that he would scare away from this. Inhaling, he started,

"He had gone back to his pack village for a short while after we both had completed our course. There, he ran into a childhood enemy of his and ended up falling for him."

Scoff, "What a love story."

New released a breath, as if trying to chuckle, "Yeah, my sister said the same when I narrated the story to her, except the scoff."

The corners of Tay's lips half curled at that,

"What happened then?"

"He had become slightly different after he arrived to teach at the training school of Khet. I immediately knew something was wrong but it took me a short while to figure it out what. But I did it before he could, that his feelings for me might not be the same anymore,

"Although I didn't say anything. Earth's a sensible person, he knows how to sort his feelings out. Yes, maybe I could have helped him realize it but something in me just didn't allow it.

"And then one faithful night, after a long conversation, he finally broke up with me. And to be honest, after that I kind of felt light too."

"Then why do you think about what went wrong?"

New looked at Tay from under his lashes for a long moment, his expression complex for Tay to read, before looking away and saying,

"I don't always think like that. But in these past two years, on and off, I have been trying to find someone suitable for me and sometimes, I become overwhelmed because no matter how much I try, it doesn't work out in the end.

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