Chapter 1-First Day In Hell

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Bold Underlined Text=Change POV

(I woke up in Hell and while I was skeptical and worrisome at first... I soon felt glee and joy flowing in my demonic veins.)

Sean: I'm not surprised that I'm here... but they shouldn't have been given another chance to live! They are the ones who really deserve to burn!

Taxi Demon: Out of the Fucking road Dumbass! Come on move it before I knock your block off!

(I turned and saw a discolored bulky creature driving a taxi)

Sean: Sorry sir... I just died! So There's not much I can do except oh I don't know... How about ponder what in the actual Fuck I'm going to be doing for the rest of time now!!

Taxi Demon: You sure are a weird scumbag... Now Fuck Off!

(He nearly runs me over, and I roam the streets and corners of Hell getting yelled at, and such by other demons losing hope that any sinner would help me)
Sean: Why am I even trying? I'm in Hell and no one probably even gives a damn about helping one another so why shouldn't I do the same?

(As I continued to get familiar with my surroundings I heard alarms all around, but that's probably normal seeing as I just got here, but then people if I should even call them that kept shouting at me telling me if I'm stupid and to find shelter for whatever reason, but I didn't listen.)

Sean: I'm in Hell and that's the bed of it! For what God forsaken do I need to find safety?

(That's when I saw her... a gorgeous, yet slightly dark female wolf demon wearing gothic clothing)

Sean: She's not like the others... Should I go ask for directions to somewhere I can get help or-

(She looked up and her eyes widened as she shouted)

???: Hey dude lookout! Behind You!!

(The female demon started running towards me)

Sean: Huh!? (Before I can react, a horrifying, winged, towering creature with a spear and glowing ring around its head. It then tries attacking me but I dodge it's attack and I see others begin to charge at me. I manage to fight some of them off somehow, and even land a few blows on two of whatever they are)

Sean: The Fuck are these ugly things!? Why won't they just stay still so I can just kill them!? (I thought I had the advantage, but suddenly a immense amount of pain radiates through my back. I'm then tackled to the ground and prepare for whatever comes next.)

... But nothing happened

Sean: Huh?? Wh- What hap-

???: Hey man you good? You nearly got executed by some angels? Can't believe you fought and killed two of them on your own... (To Herself: Could use a guy like him for our company)

Sean: Those were actual angels? I thought angels were supposed to be holy beings from heaven? These things were right down terrifying! W-Who are you by the way?

???:. The name's Loona. I'm a hellhound... guess you are new here? Here come with me it isn't safe right now to be outside. Best we get inside and wait until the angels killing hour ends. Which should be soon... No way are you unharmed because well.. why else would you be laying half-way on the ground? (She kept blushing as she helped me up. As did I.)

Sean: I'm Sean... it's nice to meet y- Agh! My arm... I - I think I broke it.. I think one of them got me...

Loona: Here let me carry you, think of this as a uh... wait no.. you know what fuck it... you can walk it's just your arm.

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