Chapter 6- Confession

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(After a successful mission and finally getting my revenge I felt free from my shackles of betrayal, sorrow, and hatred. I decided to text Loona while I was laying on my back in bed bored as Hell)

Sean: Hey... Are you doing anything or are you just as bored as me?

Loona: The second thing... LoL!

Sean: Same! Haha!

(I never felt this happy with Diane. Especially during any of our texting moments. What's happening with me?)

Loona: Hey, so there's not another party, but I was wondering if I could come over to your place? I'm ready to tell you what I've been wanting to tell you since well... You know?

Sean: Oh... Yeah okay, I'll get some stuff cleaned up while you are on your way here. See ya in a minute!

Loona: Cool! You too dude!

(They both get off their phones and do their own things... Loona getting in more comfortable clothes, telling BlitzØ where she's going, and getting in her car. Sean tidies up the living area, and looks up recipes for Wagyu beef and goes with restaurant quality filet styled Wagu steak and thanks to his new found shadow magic creates a clone and gives it enough money to get wine, and it disappears for a little bit. When it reappears Sean thanks his shadow clone before it vanishes. Sean places all the ingredients where he needs them to be, but he won't be cooking alone for he plans on using another clone.)

Sean: Loona you are getting spoiled tonight hehehe. However, whatever this thought of yours you've been needing to tell me is, it definitely seems to be important to you and I feel it has something to do with me. So I couldn't just invite her over and not offer anything while she's here.

(Loona texts Sean letting him know that she's almost there and Sean replies saying that he was cooking something for dinner and it wasn't just for him alone)

Loona: Wait... He's making dinner? That's very thoughtful of him... (Heartbeat increases and a light blush forms on her cheeks) I need to get this out before I lose my mind! I- I just hope he doesn't freak out.


Sean: Coming! Okay Sean... be Cool...

(I open the door to see Loona and we great each other before I invite her inside)

Loona: It smells delicious in here! What are you making?

Sean: Nope! That's a surprise! Haha!

Loona: Intriguing... (She tries flirting with Sean... this throws him off guard) So what did you plan on doing with me after dinner Hmm?

Sean: (Blushing) Eh? W- What? Oh uh... Uh...(Shit Now What!?)

Loona: (While laughing) I'm joking man! Hahaha!! But seriously... we can't just do dinner and be done with it. Besides I plan on.... Staying for the night. Sick of BliztØ treating me like a kid for a while.

Sean: Oh Uh Okay... (This might or might not work in my favor)

Loona: Ha. He's taken the bait! No escaping the truth now Sean....

(After dinner... Loona finally speaks up)

Loona: I.. Sean what I wanted to tell you before was t- that... (she was blushing like mad)

Sean: Loona? Are you ok- Mpfhh!!

Loona skipped saying it and pounced on Sean landing on the couch kissing him on the lips with her eyes closed... Sean was flustered, but soon melted into the kiss

(We shortly brake our kiss and blush like mad... I'm the first to speak afterwards)

Sean: I don't want you forcing this on yourself Loona. If you think this makes me feel less shitty it should be from your heart. Not your head? I- know this because- I- I love you Loona. (I said this confidently and blushed even more afraid of her response, but met her eyes and saw tears running down her face)

Loona: I love you too Sean! Don't leave my side please? Something about you changed me and I want to be with you and after you risked your life for me I knew you were- I knew that you were the one for me!

(I was now shedding tears as well, and wiped her tears away cupping her cheek)

Sean: Loona... I'll never leave you! Not even the angels nor Lucifer himself could take me away from you and even if they dared to separate us, I would endure dying for an eternity just to be able to see you or even hear you say my name!

(We share another passionate kiss and Loona rests her head on my chest, wrapping her tail around me. We fall asleep in each other's embrace)


This is where the first half of the story ends! The Second Character Page is next, and after that... The Second half starts! I plan on adding at least 4 or 5 more chapters after the beginning of the second half before ending this book! Then I'll take a very short brake so I can do some thinking on how to continue the story in a sequel! I'm hoping this has been a enjoyable experience for everyone so far!

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