Chapter 1

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September 8, 2019

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September 8, 2019

"Here's your mid size mocha latte ma'am, enjoy!" I gave the lady her drink.

One of my coworkers called me for assistance, "Hey Ron! Can you help me with the reusable cups?"

"Sure sure!" I went over and immediately helped him carry the box into the kitchen.

Another one called me, "Ron, Do you know where the utensils are?"

"Yes, it's in the storage room." She followed me to the storage room as I showed her the labels on the utensils, indicating which one should be used in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

"Is the size grande or tall?...any additional orders ma'am/sir? have a total of P525 for three drinks...Thank you, have a great day! Next customer please.."

Finally it's 11:00am in the morning and it was our early lunch break before another wave of customers at 12pm. I went to the second floor of our coffee shop which is restricted only for employees. Instead of eating, I continued editing promotional templates at the computer.

"Ron, aren't you gonna eat lunch? You need brain cells if you have classes this afternoon. You also didn't eat breakfast, didn't you?" Leon asked me.

I wonder how he knew I didn't eat yet. I had to catch the bus at 5am early in the morning in order to not be late for my shift. He probably knew it from Rhian. Since she loves to share random things with our team most of the time.

"Sorry, I wasn't able to finish this yesterday. I was supposed to do it after reviewing for my exams but I fell asleep afterwards," I replied while scratching my head.

He asked, "What year are you again?"

"First year," I said.

"I have an extra sandwich with me. You can have it," he handed it to me, "Just make sure you eat. Don't forget "Health First" is one of Balai Dahon's priorities for us employees," Leon added before he went back downstairs to the kitchen.

After I ate the sandwich, I also went downstairs to help my other coworkers serve. I feel a bit of guilt for letting them do most of my work.

Rhian volunteered to be in charge of the counter. While I listed down the customers' names at their reusable cups. All of a sudden she requested me to bring the orders at their respective tables. Good thing it had numbers. If there weren't I would've brought these to the wrong tables.

It took me seven minutes to serve the orders. I checked my list and table number eight was the last order at my wood serving tray. I looked over from left to right but couldn't find it. I walked to the corner of the dining tables and found the number.

I came up with an idea that would make the customer happy. I hid the receipt in the back of my pocket and informed the customer that I had forgotten to give it. I returned to the counter and grabbed a pink sticky note. Before returning to the customer's table with the note stapled at the receipt, I wrote a brief message.

I watched the customer from our counter as it went outside of the coffee shop while reading the message. The customer smiled. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I made it sincere enough to make the customer's day as great as possible.

I hope the customer likes it.

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