Chapter 5

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One hour later

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One hour later...

We had dinner together at the same restaurant we went to last September. After that Cal wanted to go to Balai Dahon Cafe for a frappe so we accompanied him. I can smell the vibrant smell of both coffee and memories in this cafe. It all remains in this place. I still couldn't forget or get over it.

Vince and I were told to sit down while Cal would order for us. The Holidays Tradition of the cafe is just next month. I couldn't wait for the three iconic drinks they offer. Other brands are changing it every year but I hope this won't too.

Twenty minutes already passed and Cal was not yet done.

"Vince, he only ordered three drinks right?"

Vince looked over at him at the counter while sitting, "Yeah bro why is he taking so long?"

I looked over with no hesitation. I saw Cal talking with the barista who most likely stared at me for seconds just to give straws last time. I wonder what they are talking about? I hope he doesn't spoil any data information about me!

Later on, he sat down and noticed how we looked at him. Nothing but pure curiosity. One eyebrow raised from another.

"What? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes there is!" We both answered at the same time.

"The barista noticed how photogenic we are. He asked me to pick which among the three of us would advertise for their Holidays Tradition promo..."

"Who did you pick?" Vince asked. Cal pointed his lips at me as a sign he chose me. I was a bit shocked.

"No way! I'm not that photogenic for an advertisement!" I reacted.

"Well... the barista also insisted not me. The shooting will be done two days from now. Basically, you'll just private message them at @balaidahoncafe which is their official Instagram page. Also one of them noticed you weren't alright last time so they want you to take this opportunity."

Vince didn't talk or comment about the advertisement. But I could tell from his eyes that he agrees with Cal for choosing me.

As we we're leaving the cafe, one of the baristas greeted us to have a lovely evening. What a lovely evening indeed! Ehem! Ehem! For the sake of promotion, I'll do it for both of them.

After this so called lovely evening, I laid down at my bed and checked their official page. I messaged them and they sent me an email right away. It served as my confirmation for accepting the offer from my friend. I hope it will be fun.

October 28, 2019

It was 12:20am at midnight. I took one last scroll from my feed. But before I can even do that my suggested friends started to appear. I saw one of the barista's names.

"Taron Haze?" I mumbled, "I didn't know he had Instagram. He looks hot and humble. He even has pictures of himself at a gym."

I suddenly remembered the sticky note I got from that day, "So he's the one who gave it to me after all?"

My thoughts came like complete pieces of a puzzle. It's now complete. I came with the idea of thanking him through a private message.

"Hi! I'm not sure if you remember me but I just wanted to say Thank You for the sticky note you gave me last time. I really appreciate your kind and sincere words so much!" I typed nicely. I slept with butterflies in my stomach afterwards.

The next morning, Taron replied with a heart reaction under my message.

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