Chapter 2- Adoption Day.

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Today is the day I'm getting a new family! I have so many questions spinning around in my head right now...

Where on earth is Ellesmere Port?
Do I want a new family?
Why didn't I pack my bags?

I rushed downstairs to pack my bags quickly.

I don't really know if I really want a knew family. I mean, come on, no one could replace my real mum and dad. And I have tons of friends here at the adoption centre. But I need to. I've already said yes to Christina and I have one true friend- Ruby.
I grabbed my stuff and met Ruby in the lobby.
"Sofia?" She asked. "I'm scared. You're my best friend and you know that I never got to see my parents. My mum died of childbirth and I didn't even have a dad."
"I know how you feel. Its hard to move on, but this is a new opportunity for us. Look on the bright side, at least we'll have someone who can actually spend time with us. I mean, I will miss this place and all, but this is a fresh start. Come on, lets go."

We went over to the taxi outside with Claudette, one of the staff at Toulouse adoption centre. She started talking some weird French gibberish, but lucky for me I understood. Ruby on the other hand, she had no clue what she was saying. The engine started and the taxi drivers blasted some Taylor Swift on the radio. Boy I love that girl!

After a long

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