Chapter 4- Lucie's Birthday.

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Ok this is weird. I've been here for 2 days and I'm already meeting Lucie's friends, boyfriend, enemy and other relatives. Well now I know who to trust, who to look up to, who to avoid and who to hope I don't see smooching my sister. (Wow, did I really just say my sister?!) I am settling in well aren't I?

When I walked into the party room, the decorations took my breath away. So much pink and purple! So many balloons and streamers!
Time to meet the boy! I'm going crazy you should hear how I just said that...
2 years older. (Old people, ugh!)
Brown hair. Great. I can tell that he's a bad boy now.
Ooh! Pretty! Lucie's right his eyes DO sparkle like the ocean. Aah! Ok I am definitely out of my mind.
Called Jaydn McHugh.
Thanks Jay! You're really a spitting image of who I want hanging around my sis! BTW that's sarcasm.

Next came the always delightful BFFs. (Finally I can change the subject!)
There were 4 of them.
1. Emma
She has blonde hair.
Nice emerald green eyes.
Flawless skin...

2. Jessica.
Blonde and brown mix hair colour which I have to say is really pretty and it suits her. Just sayin'!
Brown eyes that match that cute top she's wearing.
Wait a minute! Lucie invited her to play with me!

3. Leanna.
She's a red-head.
Brown eyes.
I'm certain she's a descendant of the devil. (Do I need help or what?!)

4. Chloe.
She's a brunette.
Brown eyes.
Dark skin, but not that dark. More like she's spent 2 weeks in Miami and earned herself a tan.
Ok, this is creepy. She looks exactly like Lucie. No! It's not just in my head! They really could be

Nanny Janet.
Grandad Fred.
Auntie Lizzy.
Uncle Mark.
Grandad Rob.
Nanny Em.
Auntie Stephanie.
Uncle Danny.
And the cousins...
Well at least that's the ones who were invited to the party.
There's a lot more.

But here comes the bad part. The enemy.
Her name is Freya.
She has golden hair.
Bright blue eyes.
And that stupid old singsong voice. I hate that girl. But seriously we've only known each other for five minutes. Now you're probably thinking 'If she hates her, why would Lucie invite Freya to the party?'
Well here it comes. Freya wasn't invited, she just showed up anyway! Who does that?!

She came with a present. I had a really bad feeling about this. I felt it was a trap.

As the party started, me and Jessica started a fun game of PowerPonies. Boy, do I love that show!
Then it was time for the food. I don't want to go into too much detail but lets just say I ate one too many wing dings...
Next was the cake. My precious! My beauty! I'm so weird. Obviously we all sang the Birthday Song!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to Lucie!
Happy birthday to you!
She then made a wish. How I wonder what it could be...
The best part of all of it was I got a corner slice! Yippee!
Then we played pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs and had a pinãta. And I won nothing but sweets from the pinãta. Sigh... (Hint, hint!)

Present opening time! First, she opened the joint present from her BFFs. £100 ($154.90). Wow. Secondly, it was Jessica's turn. So. Much. Money. Another £20! (I don't know how much that is in dollars!) Then it was all the family members. At the end she had £500 ($774.50) Lastly, Lucie opened Jay's present, which I have to say really moved me to tears. "A silver bracelet! You shouldn't have!" Oh, but he had. Wasn't it clear that there was a camera on the bead? Or was she mesmerized by his charming appearance? My theory is that he's secretly an undercover spy, like in all those Jenna Williams books...
Haha! I gave you a cliffhanger there. Finally my book is getting more dramatic! And Sofia's gone a bit loopy! Spoiler alert! Jay is cheating on Lucie!
That's all I got.
xxxPrincess Hollywoodxxx

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