Chapter 7-Get that boy!

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I rushed off down the corridor, eager to find my class. Suddenly I bumped into somebody.
"Jessica?! What are you doing here?"
"This is my school, you perpendicular dingbat."
"Whatever. Do you know where I can find Year 3 Rowan?"
"Yeah, it's just down the corridor. It's my class, actually."
"Hey, can you take me there?"

She took me down a corridor to a nice looking classroom. I was quite happy I was in this class, because Jessica would introduce me to all her friends.

We walked in when suddenly this random girl shouted "Look! The dork's actually found a friend!" Wait, she wasn't random at all. In fact, she was Freya! She spun round and started gossiping to my gobsmacked BFF Ruby. I couldn't believe she was hanging out with Luc- Sorry, I mean my enemy!
Then this guy walked up to me and said "Hi, I'm James. I'm sorry about Freya. She's just... Well, Freya."
I giggled nervously at his little joke. He was the hot guy from before!
"Yeah, she's pretty weird. She started trying to kiss me before coz of a dare. I mean, I didn't go along with it although if someone does something to her, she makes a huge fuss about it! Like, who does that anyway? Drama queen," he continued. My heart was pounding in my chest. There was something about him that seemed familiar. Hmm...

I was noticed by the teacher. "Oh, hello. You must be Sofia. Would you like to take a seat?"
I sat down as far away from Ruby and Freya as possible. There was a free seat next to Jess, so I just sat there.

I talked all the way through the first lesson, yet the teacher called on me many times. I answered them all correctly, but I don't really know how. Ruby looked even more gobsmacked than before. Freya and a couple of her friends chanted "Geek! Geek! Geek!" But Ruby just sat there staring.

Finally it was break. I was in the middle of a long conversation when I rudely interrupted by a certain someone (Namely, Ruby!)
"What do you want?"
"I... I... I never knew."
"Never knew what?!"
"I never knew that you were so smart. You're perfect. I'm nothing. Freya manipulates me into being her friend. She says that if I'm not her friend then she'll bully me. Please could we be friends again?"
"Do you promise that your not only doing this for the sake of it?"
She joined in with our conversation, but something wasn't right. I feel as if she's not the Ruby I know and love.

I spent the rest of the day talking.

Finally, after what seemed like years, hometime rolled around. I kept googling what to do if your friend seems different. Says she's got depression or ASHD. Yeah right. But what would happen if she really did have one of them...
Hey guys!
I decided not to delete the book after all. I know I haven't updated for a while but I couldn't. Thats all.

xxxPrincess Hollywoodxxx

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