Chapter 3- The dress.

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This chapter's gonna be short, so don't be mean. I found a really cute dress I need to tell you about!
I was mooching around in the mall, lonely as usual, when I saw it.
A dress.
It was black.
Black like the Night.
It had lace at the top.
Perfect shape.
It was perfect for me!
I dashed into the dressing rooms to try it on.
Perfect fit.
Looks nice.
I HAVE to buy it.
I'll just take a look at the price tag. Great! It's 20 pounds! And that's the maximum amount I can spend.
I'm so happy! Oh yeah, uh huh!
Oh wait I forgot! It's 3:55 and my salon appointment is at 4! Gotta go. Will write soon!
So yeah. Don't go crazy coz I haven't updated recently. What did I just do? Yes, I updated.
I need to make 2 huge shoutouts for...
1. starryJanet for being a friend although we haven't met. And also coz you were the only person to answer my question.

2. laylaknoxy2 for being a great friend and supporting me and my book. Thanks, Layla!

Look forward too my next chapter- Chapter 4- Lucie's birthday.
That's all I need to say!
xxxPrincess Hollywoodxxx

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