Chapter 3: How Could He?

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**Lara POV**

After having our little coffee trip, I started to head back home and decided to take the back way home. I kept on thinking about him, but I knew I had to move on. As I rounded the corner to where the railroad crossing is, I saw Peach sitting infront of the tracks blaring some sad music.

'What the hell?'

I got out of the SUV and walked up to Peach, her headlights were shining dark blue on something. When I looked infront of Peach, I couldn't belive what I saw.

Lara(crying): "Y/N!!!!"

I dropped to the ground and pulled his mutilated body close to me as I cried my eyes out. My husband was dead. I can't live without him. I picked him up and set him into the passenger seat and begged for Peach to take us home. She kicked into gear and sped down the road. The others had to know.

**Jaylen POV**

I woked up an hour ago, but was craving some weird shit. Like, weird weird. Mostly involving peanutbutter. Which was bizarre, because I normaly just ate meat. I also was noticeably more prone to annoyance and anger to just about everything. I didn't know what was wrong with me.

To be fair, that's the least of my concerns, because Scarlet and Erica called everyone into the bedroom and told us to sit down.

Scarlet: "We made some discoveries about Y/N. Don't be quick to judge."

She nodded to Erica and she projected a screen with a dozen video files. She told us to pick one. Jona picked one and it showed Y/N skinning a nude female wolf alive. She was screaming at the top of her lungs as Y/N continued to peel skin off her until she died. I was pissed off. How could he hide somthing like that? I couldn't belive I married a monster.

Scarlet: "Now watch this:"

Erica then pulled up a video that showed Y/N and another group of humans working in the a mineshaft of some kind. A small group of soldiers then came up, but their uniforms screamed F.A.G, one of the most sadistic groups during WWF.

The person in the front was the wolf Y/N was torturing. There wasn't any audio, but we could tell there was a scuffle. Y/N was pulled from the wall he was mining in as he tried to fight back, but seemed incredibly weaker then he was when we found him. The guards threw him on the ground as the other workers were forced to keep mining. The wolf girl then ripped off Y/N's pants and forced him to anally pleasure her as she held a gun to his head.

None of us could comperhend what we just saw. Scarlet simply said to pick another. I picked one at random. It showed Y/N taking a dull chainsaw to a male tiger from the top of his head down to his crotch. Erica then showed a video of that same tiger using Y/N as a punching bag. With spiked gloves.

Juliet picked another video and showed Y/N shoving his thumbs into a female fox's eyesockets and ripped her skull in twine with two other Furries dead in the back ground. Erica then showed those same females gang raping Y/N while he was chained to a table.

I couldn't do it anymore and told them to stop. They obliged and Erica turned off her projector. We were all heart broken. Y/N endured all of that pain and sufferage and still turned out...alright, not perfect. We then wondered where we would go from there.

Erica: "We need to get him help. It isn't healthy for him to supress this kind of stuff."

Juliet: "What would be the first step?"

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