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Chan POV:
I quickly separated myself from Jeongin even though I didn't wanted to,he ran to the room and I just went to the room and tried to sleep while Jeongin had his blanket on the face.I fell asleep after long time thinking about what just happened.

I woke up and I went to change in my yesterday's clothes, I softly woke Jeongin up cause I didn't wanted him to be late as me.He rubbed his eyes and stared at me directly in my eyes.I looked away cause I couldn't handle such cute eyes looking at me."Morning Channie Hyung,I'm sorry about what happen last night let's pretend that never happened!" He said having guilt in his voice.

Jeongin I might pretend to forget i will never forget that touch of your soft lips to mine."It's ok Innie we will pretend that never happened" I gave him a warm smile.

He went to change while I was being annoyed by Jisung."Did u guys make out?" "Did u kiss him?" He just kept asking."Jisung stop 😭" I said being annoyed asf."Jeez I was just asking🙄" he said.

"Come on everyone have breakfast!" It was Felix calling everyone.We all sat on the table and started eating breakfast. I kept glancing at Jeongin who was sitting next to Felix.

"Thanks for having me here! Let's go Innie!" I said kindly while Felix was smiling at me and Jisung had that look to kill me.Jeongin grabbed me by my arm and we left the house.We just casually went to the office and had the same routine as always.

                      *3 MONTHS LATER*
Jeongin POV:
It's been 3 months since I'm working for Chan and a lot happend in these months and to be honest I definitely have feelings for Chan.And today Chan told me that he wanted to see me at the same beach we use to go.

I got ready and I went out and me,Jisung and Felix finally have a own big Villa! Felix drove me to the beach and when I went there I saw Chan and I hugged him from the back."Jeongin" he said softly.I want you to reply this question of mine....Will u be my boyfriend?" He asked looking straight in my eyes.

OMG IT WAS A DREAM COMING TRUE!!.I looked at him for a while and replied with a yes while smiling.I grabbed his face and leaned to kiss him.

Ok sorry the end was boring but I will make another Jeongchan story!! Cya my loves

I'm in love with my boss [JeongChan]Where stories live. Discover now