Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

The next day in school the class started putting together the plans for the fair, Cat was not in class due to her doing an investigation on the new teacher and meanwhile Carl and Timmy covered for her saying that she is not feeling well so she went to the nurses office. Cat finds out that no one has ever taught under the name of and no teacher ever listed fits her description, Cat texts Carl and Timmy her findings and they all start worrying for their friend. After school Isaac says he will be a bit late and that they should start practice without him. After an hour Isaac did not show up, nor did he text them on whether or not he will be further delayed. "I'm going to call him and see if he is alright" says Cat dialling Isaac's number, it rang twice before being picked up, "hello?" Isaac's Aunt, Betty said, she sounded worried. "Hello, may I speak to Isaac?" Cat asked nicely, "I'm sorry Cat but Isaac can't right now he's asleep in bed." "What do you mean?" "I think you should come over I'll be able to explain things better to you in person." "Ok, we're on our way." With that Cat hung up the phone and, with Carl and Timmy and the GGO's she made her way to Isaac's house. On the way to Isaac's house they spotted Isaac's dad and he asks them if they know what if so urgent that betty won't stop phoning him for, they state that they are on their way to find out, he joins them for the rest of the way. Upon arriving Betty asks them to join her for a cup of tea they all agree and sit in a moment of silence, Coleman was the one to break it by saying, "Alright Betty, what is wrong?" "What makes you think something is wrong?" "You are shaking." Sighing Betty told them what happened "Today at school, While Isaac was on his way out...he fell down three flights of stairs and was..., He is still asleep in his room, the doctors say he is comfortable" "Comfortable? That doesn't sound good" the last part was said under 's breath so not to worry his younger sister. and Isaac's friends went to see his sleeping form, his face was covered in bruises and cuts while his breathing was shallow. After a while cat and the rest decided to leave because it was getting late. stayed behind at his son's side, he was worrying greatly for his only son which he cherished so much.

Yay, a new chapter published just before the weekend.

I really want to apologise for the long wait but school has been hectic as well as me doing a layout of all my chapters so I'm a bit confused without constantly looking back at my rough drafts.

So see you soon, till next time.


so thats all the reposts of this Fic I'll post today, keep your eyes peeled for when I upload again.

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