Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Isaac ran through the thick brush, scraping his face and ripping his costume. He glanced behind him to see if he was still being chased. At that moment he slamed into something hard that grabs him, his panic soon subsides when he recognizes the sent and he glances up to see his father. Shawn stopped and hid behind a tree to see if he was needed. Cat, Carl and Timmy arrived at the clearing a little bit away from where Shawn was hiding and got into a defensive stance around Isaac. A figure around Shawn's height approached through the brush holding a knife. Once the mysterious figure stood in the moonlight Carl surprised everyone by suddenly talking. "James what are you doing?"

And now the conclusion:

"James what are you doing?" Carl slowly approached James and, once near enough, Carl attempted to disarm him. Seeing this James forced Carl aside, throwing him onto his side, and using his momentum he spun around and lunged towards Isaac. Coleman pulled Isaac behind him in order to use himself as a shield from the attack. James' blade pierced Coleman's abdomen slightly below his right ribs causing him to fall to his knees and collapse onto his side. Isaac, frozen in shock of what just happened, did not see James making a move to grab him until it was too late and James had him is a strong grip with the bloody knife to Isaacs's throat. Cat and Timmy froze in place with fear that the slightest move would result in Isaac's death. Carl slowly crawled towards Coleman and, upon arriving, assisted in applying pressure to the wound.

Cat tried talking to James with fear clear in her voice "Why don't you let him go and we'll talk things out. I don't know why you're doing this but I am sure we can resolve this calmly, just let Isaac go." "Shut up! This has nothing to do with anything. I am just doing the job that I was hired to do, and that means I have to kill Isaac." James emphasised his point by pressing the blade harder to Isaac's throat which caused some blood to trickle down.

Shawn had already begun sneaking up on James without being detected by either party. Hidden by the shadows he got close enough to safely grab the arm with the knife in it away from Isaac and at the same time he grabed Isaac's left arm to pull him away from danger.

Cat bolted toward Isaac and grabed him away when he attempted to help Shawn. "Get Isaac away from here!" Shawn yelled over his shoulder to Cat. Cat obeyed and started running with Isaac in-tow towards the dressing rooms. James tried to pursue them but was cut off when Shawn grabed his arm and threw him head first into a nearby tree, knocking James out cold. Shawn grabed some rope from a nearby decoration and tied James up. "Timmy do you have a cell phone we can use, Dr. Coleman really needs a doctor" Shawn asked, looking over to check on Carl and Coleman . "No all our cell phones are in the dressing rooms" came a reply from Carl.

Cat and Isaac nearly reached the door to the changing room when 'smack' they collided into Ms. Amaterasu, this caused both parties to stumble. Cat pulled Isaac behind her and started backing away when she saw who they collided into, still suspicious of the teacher and her intentions with Isaac. Ms. Amaterasu spoted Isaac with blood and cuts all over his body and began to ramble on about ridiculous ways that Coleman was going to kill her. Ms. Amaterasu stopped mid rambled to ask Cat what happened. Cat realised that Ms. Amaterasu works for Dr. Coleman so she began retelling the events of the past few hours. Ms. Amaterasu waited for Cat to finish her story before springing to action; she grabed a medical kit and dialed a number on her phone. Once the phone got picked up she spoke in a different voice to the person on the other side of the line "Boss is down, the threat has been identified, send back up."

Ms. Amaterasu arrived at the place of the confrontation with Isaac and Cat trailing behind her. She began treating Coleman while a group of men took James away. Shawn spoted Isaac and ran up to him, shakily tackling him into a hug and whispered into Isaac's ear "I'm so glad you're okay."

 The next day the group were in the airport wishing Shawn yet another goodbye, all is as if the resent events never occurred.


Agent KA stood in the unknown room talking to Professor Stan on the wall monitor. "Sir I regret to inform you that the assassin has failed his mission and been captured"

"Very well Agent KA. It looks like we will have to play Coleman's little game after all."

Well that's it folks, the end of the story. I thank all of you that stuck through my long absences and I hope you all enjoyed the story.

I hope to see you all in my next fan fiction. And to all that are wondering Master Huytin is hoping to return to the fan fiction site soon.


And thus concludes the 'special edition' for this fan fic.

Stay tuned as I will be posting chapter 1 for the sequel soon to both and here.

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