Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own AI Football GGO, Just the plot and the contributing Imagination.

Yay a new Chapter. Hope you all enjoy this one and feel free to tell me what you think. Also a heads up the first 5 to review or PM me after a post will be listed in the shout outs even if they have been featured before.

Shout outs:

Random identity 666

Chapter 6:

Coleman raced through the halls of the school searching for a room marked 'Science storage'. He climbed a flight of stairs and rounded the corner to the right. As soon as Coleman did this he saw the room, running towards the door Coleman skid to a halt and peered through the glass window. Through the window Coleman spoted the source of the fire and not far from it an unconscious Isaac was laying on the floor.

He looked around frantically for a way to enter the locked room. He quickly spoted a fire extinguisher in the hall but upon further inspection noticed that it was tampered with. Coleman grabed the extinguisher and in three hard slams managed to break the lock on the door. Coleman rushed forward completely ignoring the searing flames, his mind focused solely on Isaac's unmoving figure. He reached Isaac and gently picked him up, cradling his son bridal style ; Coleman then began to rush towards the nearest exit just barely making it out before the flames combusted into a bigger one. Coleman handed Isaac over to the paramedics, after a quick examination they began treating him for C02 inhalation.

News just in: WP secondary school in shanghai burned down yesterday. Students at the school will still be attending classes and all extramural activities will continue as planned, however the locations for these have been moved to the nearby local park whilst classes will be taught in the city hall. Authorities are still indecisive on the start of the flames that destroyed the school's main building. We are glad to report that there were no casualties however one student is currently undergoing treatment for C02 inhalation. This is Hanna Wells signing off.

(The TV is turned off and a cell phone dialed a number.)

Cat, Carl and Timmy were sitting at the dining table in Isaacs's house. They all sat in a quiet daze only to have that daze broken by Cat's annoying ringtone. Cat jumped at the sound of her phone and then answered it on speaker phone. "Hello..." Cat began only to be interrupted. "Cat I just saw the news, Is Isaac and everyone else Okay?" Said the person on the phone. "Yes we're all fine, well except from Isaac that still has an oxygen mask on him; thank goodness Aunt Betty didn't remove it from his room after he stopped needing it earlier this month."

"Why did Isaac need an oxygen mask earlier this month and why does he need one now? Was Isaac the injured student in the news report?" "Yes he is the one with C02 poisoning and Isaac needed the oxygen from when he 'fell down' or actually pushed down the stairs by that..." Cats ramble came to a halt when she realised what she just said. Carl and Timmy paled at the realisation that 'HE' now knew that Isaac had gotten hurt. The silence did not last long as the person on the other end of the phone began fuming at Cat on how he was left in the dark but before Cat could explain the phone line went dead.

The figure that was watching the news report ended a call and was furious with the person he just spoke with. He placed his cell phone next to him on the couch and called out to someone else. When another presence entered the room the furious boy spoke to the other whilst trying to calm himself. "Please buy two plane tickets for the next flight to Shanghai"

Agent KA stood in an unknown room with a monitor on the wall. The monitor lit up to show Professor Stan. Professor Stan addressed the two occupants of the room "Has the target been eliminated?"

"No sir, Isaac seems to be harder to remove than expected" the unknown person responded.

"Sir if I recall correctly the school is hosting a fair in half a week's time" Agent KA.

"Yes, Isaac's class will be doing a ghost forest" said the unknown person.

"Good, no one will hear his screams. Kill him there" stated Professor Stan.

"Yes Professor Stan" said the unknown person and Agent KA in unison.


I came across two funny mistakes younger me wrote:

'Has the target been illuminated?''school is hoisting a fair'

I can safely say young me was a comedian.

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