Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own AI Football GGO, Just the plot and the contributing Imagination.

Shout outs:

Random identity 666

Chapter 7:

Thursday, Two days before the school fair:

Class 3M was nearing the completion of their haunted house 2.0. Class 2M (A/N: This is Isaac's Class) had been approached by the other class and came to the agreement that their ghost forest will serve as part of the ride. Cat had been assigned to lead the production of the props and insure they were up to standard. Carl's particular skill in lore accuracy was utilised by designing the costumes and insuring the costume makers did everything correctly. Timmy got stuck with his most favourite thing, food.

Whilst monitoring the class's project the marketing group required Isaac's help. Seeing that Isaac would not be leaving them for a while, Cat snuck away from her group to grab Carl and headed towards Timmy's group. Upon arrival Cat, Carl and Timmy started discussing the resent attacks. "Okay so what do we have so far?" Cat began. "Let's see, no one new appears for two months before the first attack on Isaac with the exception of Ms. Amaterasu. Only we and she knew that Isaac was alone when he was pushed." Carl reported. "Yea and she was the one that sent Isaac to the storage room where the fire started." Timmy added. "This may seem crazy but it looks like Ms. Amaterasu is behind the attacks, plus remember what Cat saw when Isaac and Ms. Amaterasu where alone that day." Carl stated, concern rang clear in his voice. "That's a good suspicion Carl; unfortunately we lack the proper evidence to brining this to anyone, we will need to this by ourselves." Cat hung her head while saying this. A few silent minutes pased with everyone worrying about their friend only to have Timmy break it. "What if we set a trap by making it seem as though Isaac's alone only to have one of us hiding and watching over him all the time." "That would be a good plan dummy if only we knew when they will attack next." "But we already do Carl." "Really Timmy? You know when Isaac will be attacked next?" "Yes Cat, during the school fair; it's ideal to hurt Isaac without any witnesses." "Timmy's right, for once, that's where we'll catch the attacker; whoever they are." Just then another voice resonated "What part of we only have today and tomorrow to finish everything did you three not get" The three in question turned only to face an angry Isaac.

In a dark corner hidden by shrubbery a mystery person was spying on Isaac and at times taking pictures of him. The person started dialling a number and began a call. "Agent KA, my analysis on the target and where he is to be located has reveled a 3 minute window where no possible witnesses can be, do I eliminate the target then or do I keep looking?" "Use the window you found" A teacher began approaching the spot where this person was hiding "Yes sir, I must hang up before I am discovered."

The day before the fair:

"Okay you two; you're costumes are the last ones to need final fittings so hurry up!" A frustrated Carl dressed like a zombie shouted at two curtains. The curtain on the left began to open revealing Isaac dressed in a modern styled yukata coloured in dark grey with orange trimming he had on two pointy fox ears on the top of his head and four fox tails sticking out by his lower back. Cat poked her head out with the intension of asking Carl for some hair pins but instead joined Carl and Timmy in a brief moment of staring at Isaac, Cat noticed Isaac's discomfort and broke the staring contest by asking for the pins she needed. "I still don't see why I need to dress up, besides this costume is way too extravagant and it makes me uncomfortable." "We've been over this before Isaac; you are the only student in this school that any shade of orange will work on. So what are your thoughts and where do you feel the discomfort?" Carl asked prepairing to alterations to the kitsune costume accordingly. "I feel the discomfort when everyone stares at me." Isaac said while looking around. As Carl gave Isaac's costume a final inspection Cat came out from behind the curtain to reveal herself dresses in a white flowing dress accented with blue translucent strands of fabric. "Ummm...Carl how exactly is Isaac's and my costumes relevant to our attraction?" "I'm just glad I don't have to dress up" "Really Timmy? Anyway you two are supposed to guide the people that get lost ,hence why you are the only two that are not scary."

A hand bell signaled the end of the school day.

Dr. Coleman sat at home in front of his desk talking on the phone to someone. "I asked you to protect him, yet twice he just barely survived from an attack. You need to keep a closer eye on him; remember failure is not an option in this case." After saying this he hung up the phone and looked at one of many pictures he has of Isaac. *Sigh* "I never meant for you to come to any harm. I'm so sorry Isaac."


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