Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own AI Football GGO, Just the plot and the contributing Imagination.

Hi everyone, it's been a while but I finally got the last four chapters proof read and have begun writing the next 6 chapters including this one.

Shout out to Random Identity 666. It's always nice to meet new fans of good shows.

Chapter 5:

Time skip: 3 days later

Isaac arrived at school a day later than expected. He attempted to leave yesterday but his dad would not have any of it. Coleman had gone into overprotective mode, not allowing Isaac near anything that could so much as scratch him. The only way Isaac was able to go to school was to let his father walk him there and Isaac had to promise not to leave the premises until his dad arrived to pick him up.

It reached the end of 4th period. Isaac, Cat, Carl and Timmy were getting ready to head to their lunch spot. "Isaac can you please take the last two beakers to the science storage room" asked Ms. Amaterasu sweetly."Of course ma'am." Isaac replies then he turns to his friends and asked "Cat do you mind waiting for me a bit?" "Of course not, we will be on the grandstands waiting." Cat eyed Ms. Amaterasu suspiciously while she said this. The three friends watched Isaac enter the storeroom safely before heading down. A quarter way to the grandstand the schools fire alarms started ringing.

The teachers and parents that arrived to assist in the fire drill began to take roll call. Isaac's class was last to be checked and Coleman was assigned them. He called the last four names on his list that is arranged according to seating order.






"Here." Came a reply through a bite of a hotdog.

"Isaac?" This time no reply came so Coleman tried again. "Isaac? Has anyone seen Isaac?"

Carl was the first to reply "Not since lunch started and he went to the science storage room."

Upon hearing this Coleman ran to find Isaac in the school hoping he won't be too late.

Isaac had just put down the beakers when a crash sounded out in the room. The room suddenly became brighter. He turned around to find a fire had started in the room, just then he heard the fire alarm ring in the distance. Isaac started to panic and tried to open the door only to find that it had been locked behind him. Isaac looked around in an attempt to find a way to escape. After a while he ran low on oxygen and collapsed. Isaac slowly began to lose consciousness, but before he did Isaac saw a vague figure in the glass of the door.

Finally made it to the half way mark, Aaand I ended on a cliff-hanger.

Hope you all enjoy and stay tuned for chapter 6.


My Author notes age like milk.

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