Yandere- Mine.. :1

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{idea cred: @bidi_fand0m }

This will probably turn to a stalking yandere... so, yeah. ,:3

{Completely different story}

Yæńdęré štæłkèr PØV;

You look so.. gorgeous, Y/N. I just want you to be mine. You never EVER notice me. I try to talk to you but, nothing. You don't know HOW much I crave you.. 

I need you, now.


My eyes focused on my phone listening to music, occasionally looking at my surroundings in boredom. Why couldn't my life be.. More exciting I guess!  I mean-


I see a figure dart away as I glance out my window. Well, I didn't mean exciting in that way. I meant- ugh, never mind. What even was it? I get up and look out, stupidly opening the window to find.. 


"Could just be my imagination; I am quite tired. I should really go to bed now." I mumble to myself.

I drag myself to bed. Finally, the release of sleep! I throw myself on the bed and bam! Asleep. 

{Time skip, couple hours later}

I wake up to feel the cold breeze brush against me. Despite the cover, I still felt cold. Then and there, I hear the sound of heavy breathing  and a hand softly rested on my head and started petting me. What the fuck? I lay still, like prey hiding from predator, and freeze. I was facing away from the creature petting me so it didn't know I was awake. Then, it came into my bed and cuddled me from behind. Awe HECK naw i'm not investigating; It can stay there! It ain't doing no harm! After a lot of self-bullying, I finally gathered the courage to 'roll over' in my sleep, yes; Big brain. I count from 4, 3, 2.. 1, dead. I sharply roll over, eyes shut. The person was extremely fluffy and.. warm. I mean, that did solve me being cold. Now I get to cuddle with this RANDOM FU-, ok calm down there. The intruder only pulled me closer to their chest; I could hear their heart beat! They petted me softly. But, who was this person? I went outside to see my friends occasionally and only had few but.. I guess I could tell Four and X about it tomorrow. I didn't want to fall asleep but... I was so tired. I gave in to my eyelids that weighed down begging me to sleep. 

I wake up cold once again. The intruding, warm, fluff-ball wasn't petting me nor there. Just a mere air filled space. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to find hickeys on my neck. Could this be from that person from last night? 

I decide to go downstairs to find.. four. Not this shit again. 

"Four, told you to stop coming to my fucking house when you don't ask!"

"I know, I just couldn't give a shit."

Four was an actor on BFB, an object show, and normally comes to my house without asking to raid my kitchen. 

"Four, did you touch me or go up to my room last night?"

"That's quite an obscure thing to ask. No, well. I did come to your room but you were asleep so just stayed down here and didnt bother you. I didn't come close to you at all."

Four X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now