Week off..

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After that night, (of ykyk) I woke up to find four... gone?

 What? Where has he- 

At that moment I saw a note on the bedside table.

"My love, I'm sorry for the short notice but I had to leave last night in your sleep. I just was notified of something and I had to leave.. I would've told you but you were asleep.. you looked so peaceful, I just didn't want to wake you..

- Four <3"

...I guess he had a family emergency or something. It's fine anyway.. But, I have the whole week off of work.. what am I gonna do today if I can't be with my partner?

Four POV.

I didn't REALLY have an emergency.. I just got too obsessive towards them.. just up against them.. cuddling them~ ... I-it was just too much for me... I loved it but.. I was scared I was gonna loose control.. or even hurt them. I don't want to do that. But their ?skin? just felt so warm.. so soft. .. I see them with so many other friends.. What if another loves them?.. I cant let that happen.. not to them.. 


I know that my dear loves me.. but since I'M not there then.. how do I know they're gonna be loyal when I'm not there?  I need to make sure NO ONE takes them. I need THEM. ..I need to be certain they won't cheat; that they'll be mine forever.

I snapped my fingers to the side of their house. Seeing my love's house made me smile.. I waited 'till they left the house and slowly followed behind them.


I Decided since my partner was busy, I would go hang out with my best friend instead! I went over to B/F/N's house. They let me in and we started to hang out. 

/// some time later ///

B/F/N said they heard walking on the roof. We both went up to check and.. nothing. A few minutes before they said that they saw saw something climb on the roof. Well, a hand. When we cam in we heard the window on the opposite side of the room shut. We tried to quickly climb down from the roof but there was.. no one. 

 "WHAT THE FUCK." we both said.

We convinced ourself that the walking was just an animal or something and the window was the wind... we hope it was.

As I spent the rest of the day there I felt like I was being watched everywhere... 

until I found a note stuck to the bathroom mirror.

"You look so scared today, why? I'm not gonna hurt you Y/N~"

What. THE. FUCK. I didn't want to show B/F/N it in fear they'd get freaked out... I decided toy leave. I said goodbye and left for my house.. I felt I was being watched all the way..

I rushed to my door to find four.. 

"Hey, sweetie! I'm back Now and free for the rest of the week!"

I rushed over to them and hugged them. I missed him so much.

Four POV

I love it when you hug me... You look so adorable.. so pathetic. I must've spooked you a bit with that letter... I the opposite of what I was going for but.. I quite like the way you run to me.. the way that you see me as your protection from people.. I love that.. Just means you love me and you won't leave me... heh~ 


Four X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now