Too kind to strangers..

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(cred to bfdi_fandomalt )! --- this is their new acc btw

I was at a cafe at night out of pure boredom. I call it, really a 'late night break' but really I just stayed up and was bored at home. Since I had no family nor partner to entertain me in these hours, I came here! I was kind of a 'well known' customer at this point. I'd made friends with one of the workers even! In these  hours, (11-12) there are usually the same people coming in; Not any others. Such as the girl in the corner who talked to nobody, the rushed business man and a few more. I sat there drinking my *insert Y/N preferred drink* when someone unfamiliar walked in. They were tall, a four-shaped, blue and fluffy.  As they walked passed my table he glanced, smirking and brushed his hand over my table. I brushed it off; Everyone does that..  They then ordered a coffee and sat at the table to the right of me. I was facing the till (where you order) and they were facing the the door. Whatever. It's nothing. 

{2 mins later.}

The person got up and left their phone lying there on the table. I decide to grab it and take it to them.


They looked back at me running out of the cafe towards them and stopped. I accidentally went a bit too close.

"Oh, thank you. I totally forgot it!" 

They took it.

"Uh, you're welcome! Have a good night!"

I turn back to walk into the cafe but felt a hand on my shoulder. 


I look back somewhat stunned. I wasn't expecting a hand on me.

"Uh, sorry but.. what's your name?"

"Oh, Y/N! Yours?"



"I-it's just I'm quite lonely and no one does stuff like that for me so, can I walk you home or order you another drink? I feel like I should do something for you."

"Oh, no, no! You don't have to!"

"Please, I insist."

"Ok fine. But, you didn't have to. Thank you."

I went back into the cafe and sat back where I was. Four when up and ordered another drink for himself.

"Hey Y/n what you want to drink?"

"*insert drink*, please!"

After that, we talked until closing at 12:00.

"Hey, y/n. Can I walk you home? I don't want you getting hurt."

"Naw, it's fine four. You can have my number for if anything happens!"

"Thank you, y/n"

*number into phone*

"You sure you'll be alright?"

"Yeah, four!"

"Ok, good."

"Bye four, it was nice meeting you!"

"You to Y/n!"

Four POV:

They're so.. sweet to me. Although not even knowing me they did that. Such a kind, innocent soul... my innocent soul. They.. they'll be mine. I MUST have them. Mine.. MINE. My good *gender*.. Luckily, I put a tracking device in their drink.. I know where you are my love. I'll hang around there just to see you again. I can see you walking home. You're too.. gorgeous for this world... to kind to strangers...

...To killers and Yanderes~

Four X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now