after about 5 minutes of walking i finally made it to the boys house. as i walked up the driveway their mum was leaving for work.
" hey ell" marylou smiled
" hey mum" i gave her a hug and continued to walk up to the front door
marylou and jimmy were like my second parents. i've been friends with these boys for so long. ever since i pushed matt down the slide in kindergarten and told him to stop being so slow. lord knows i needed those second parents.
i walked in the front door to see matt and chris sitting at the kitchen counter eating bowls of cereal. i walked over and gave them a hug each
" good morning boys" i said as i took a cup from the dish rack and made myself a drink.
" good morning ell" they replied in unison, they always did that. must be a triplet thing.
i sat my bag down next to the free seat and watched the boys scoff down their breakfast
" ELL" nick yelled from his room which reminded me he had to show me something
i walked into his room and saw him sitting on this bed
" what is it you wanted to show me this early" i asked standing in his doorway
" a new sense of style maybe" he looked me up and down and then laughed
" no really i wanted to show you the new video for this week, i think you're going to love it!"
i sat on the end of his bed and watched the new video which consisted of nick yelling, matt sitting there mainly in silence and chris stuffing his face of mcdonald's fries. just the usual really; it did make me laugh though.. they were playing that " they're a 10 but" and nick was getting angry about the abc's song.
" that's hilarious! but i think i'd have a great chance of saying my abc's backwards" i laughed as nick and i walked out of the room to the kitchen.
as always, we turned all the lights off, grabbed our stuff and headed out the door for another day of school.

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