chapter 7

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Mamè's Pov

The morning was peaceful when I woke up next to the twins after months of being apart. Last night we talked until we all fell asleep on the same bed like how it has always been. My mom on the left side of the bed, the twins in the middle and I on the other end. That was how we bonded as a family. My mom would be telling us a tale that her own mother used to tell her. The twins would asked questions when she was done. Some of the tales I know cause she used to tell them to me.

I decided that I should take the twins to breakfast alone without my mom so she can rest and I could also bond with them more. After getting them dressed we left the room.

We get downstairs at the hotel and it looks good. So we are going to have breakfast here. I go to the lady behind the desk to order our food. "Mama, are we going to have breakfast here? " Greyson asked me.

"Yes baby," I replied.

"I see you had two young ones. The hotel has a room to entertain them when our clients are here on business, to meet someone or anything." The friendly lady said from behind her desk. "Do you want me to tell you about it? " she asked. I wanted to say no because I wanted to spend time with my boys but I still want them to take advantage of this trip before they go home. "Yes, you can tell me." I said. She smiled going on about the arcade games available, jumping area and puzzles. Thinking about it for a second I think it can be fun but is it safe to leave them in this room. "I might have to check it out first. Is it safe ?" I asked. My mom would freak out if I leave the twins without supervision. My mom is very protective when if comes to them. "Yes it is hundred percent safe. We have people supervising the little ones and kids aren't allowed to leave without the parents fetching them." She replied and I was satisfied. "Okay, I will bring them after we finish eating our breakfast. " I tell the lady before going to our table.

I liked that it wasn't crowded inside. It was a good place for me and the boys to talk. We were talking when I noticed Ryan looking behind me. He whispered something to Greyson and his eyes went wide.

"Don't look, when I tell you this mama. Roman Reigns is behind you." Greyson said to me in a whisper.

"Roman wh- " I was about to ask Greyson but a familiar voice spoke behind me.

"Mamè? " the voice came on as a question.

I turned around to face the person who called my name and when I came face to face with the person my entire world crumbled. I was surprised to see him that I couldn't even stop the words that came out of my mouth.

"Joseph Anoa'i ."

Damn I could have pretended as if I didn't know him. I could have acted like I didn't even know who he was referring to when he called my name but Greyson would have blurted out that he was calling me. I cursed myself out for not being prepared for this moment.

"Hey long time, " he said breaking the ice as it has became a stare down. Is that all he had to say after being totally mean to me but that is in the past now. "Can I join you? "He asked.

My throat suddenly become dry. I grabbed my water and down the entire thing. "Sure," I said.

The boys looked at me very shocked. The look at the empty bottle and I shrugged. "You sure were very thirsty mom."Ryan said smiling.

" Mama, how do you know Roman Reigns? Greyson asked excited.

"Roman Reigns? " I said looking at Joe. Was that his new name.

"That is my stage name. I'm a wrestler. I take it you don't watch wrestling. " Joe said.

"I don't watch. " Mamè said . " I use to go to school with him sweetie." Mamè replied. The waitress came with their breakfast. The twins ordered burgers and fries while Mamè ordered Italian salad and Joe ordered the largest burger and fries dish.

My past used to reignOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant