Chapter 11

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Joe's words were eating at Joyce. It was wrong keeping the twins from their father. Since Mamè was in Canada for work and according to the Internet Joe was also going to be in Canada this weekend so she packed up the twins booking a one way flight to Canada.

The tickets for elimination chamber were already bought . She just wanted what is best for the twins. "We are going to fly again to see mama," Joyce said to the twins as they ate breakfast . "Its a long weekend and you guys deserve to have fun," Joyce said.

"So you are not mad at us for going with Roman Reigns without telling you? "Ryan asked. "No, I can't be mad at you two." Joyce said

Getting to the airport Joyce boarded the flight with the twins. This time she could enjoy the flight. She wasn't worried about the twins being hungry or where they would stay when they got to their destination. She stare into the clouds with peace in her heart. She wanted this type of happiness for every good person out there. Her daughter was finally successful, they no longer went to bed with empty stomach. She wanted to make peace with the past in order for the twins to have a clear future.

Joyce checked into the hotel when they landed in Canada. The city of Montreal was beautiful. Mamè met her at few seconds shortly while the twins were napping. "Everything good mama? " Mamè asked. Thinking about it Mamè knew her mother was not one to travel. "No problem at all. I just wanted us to talk. I have been angry for a long time. At the world, myself and you but now that things are getting better for us. That you are doing good I am at peace. The only thing I ever wanted in this world was for you to be successful, happy and confident in yourself, now that you are no words can express how proud I am of you. I am very proud of you. " Joyce said and Mamè has been dying to hear those words from her. She was proud of her. Did she come all this way to tell her that?

"Thank you mama,"Mamè said hugging her mother.

"Mamè if you want the twins to know their dad than I have no problem. " Joyce said and Mamè was stunned. "It is the right thing to do. Joseph was right when he said you grew up without a father and it was hard so don't deny them that. They both couldn't stop talking about how much they had with him, again he was right when he said they will resent when they are grown and all the time has gone by without their dad. "

"What about his family? "Mamè asked.

"Many years have passed baby maybe they had a change of heart. If not they must take it up with God as to why their son had children with you. "Joyce said. Mamè thought about it for a while before nodding her head. "Lets do it. When are we going to do it. " Mamè said. "Tonight, Joseph is here so I bought these." Joyce said showing Mamè the elimination chamber tickets. The show began at eight tonight. "And here I was thinking you travelled all this way for me." Mamè joked. "I work at eight though. "Mamè said looking at her schedule. Her photoshoot was important tonight she couldn't miss it. Rihanna herself was going to be there. "I can't miss tonight mama I'm sorry. " Mamè said looking at her watch. "I have just an hour to get there. "She said rushing to the door. "I will meet you guys as soon as I am done I promise. " she said rushing out of the door. Joyce wasn't surprised anymore. Her daughter was always on the grind these days. Joyce suspected that Mamè was obsessed with 'the bag' as she says. She was over working herself and if she wasn't working she was on some type of diet or hitting the gym.

Joyce wasn't sure what she got herself into when she got to the stadium wwe elimination chamber was at. The was a bunch of people everywhere, they were loud, crazy and excited. She wasn't into big crowds, she was an indoor,peace and quiet kind of person so today would be different. It would be a test. Never had she gone to a concert or a place she would be entertained in. She didn't know if she will like this or not.

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