Chapter 13: Last Sequence 1/2

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Mr. Keating filled me in on a few bits and pieces that had happened after the incident. He explained to me that the reason why my father was at the school was because Mr. Nolan had called him and Todd's parents down to the school.

"Why did he request my Father's presence?" I asked, genuinely oblivious as to why, "My grades are all above high nineties, well, except for latin which is a 92, but that's still good right?"

"Neil, Mr. Nolan knows."

"Know what?" fondling my hands in anxiousness, "That I have a 92?"

Mr. Keating divulged, "He knows about the 'special' relationship you and Todd have."

Those are the words I wished I wouldn't hear for my entirety of my study at Welton. The words that told us that me and Todd failed at keeping our relationship a secret from all people in authority.

Keating then proceeded to tell all he knows, "One of your peers supposedly caught you two in the act and reported it to the main office." He let out a loud sigh before continuing, "And since it's stated in the student handbook, you will have to attend a hearing to discuss your ramifications."

"B-But," I uttered with a croak, before falling into silence, realizing everything he said was true. I have no ground to stand on, I have no defense. Me and Todd are in fact dating which itself isn't a bad thing. Not a single person in their right mind would punish two teenagers for being in love. No where in the students handbook does it ban normal dating, but, it does in fact, prohibit any kind of homosexual acts. Todd and I aren't 'normal'; this isn't a 'normal' relationship. We're two males in love, or as others would call us, delusional. We're committing an abominable sin, one that requires fixing. I'm broken, not working properly, misguided. I'm no exception to the rules that God inscribed to humanity. I'm just another sinner in his eyes and to the general public.

I'm never going to be seen as normal as long as that man is up there,

In the sky.

People like me are the reason he is hiding.

Afraid of the creations that he granted autonomy to.

The cause of all the pain and suffering in the world.

We're killing each other because of our personal beliefs,

Ignorant to the free will of others.

Every person in this world is the main character in their own fantasy of perfection.

The moment a side charcter fucks up their impeccable false reality,

It's their responsibility to correct them.

All the sins they committed in their lives,

Are washed away once they do,

If they pretend they don't count,

They don't;

They are the exception that God granted.

But I'm not the exception to God; I love a man, Todd. The only person in my life that I genuinely love romantically, who also reciprocates my feelings. I miss having Todd by my side already. I miss the beautiful glimmer in his eyes when he opens up a new book, or the adorable shade of red he turns when I hold his hand secretly in class, hiding our clasped hands in my jacket.

"Mr. Perry, did you hear me?" Mr. Keating worriedly said with a hand placed on my shoulder. I didn't even realize he was talking to me nor when he made contact with me. I was lost in my own thoughts, which seems to happen very often, ever since I recovered from the bullet wound.

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