Chapter 1

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"Grace Evans?" the manager asked.

My head shot up to respond. I had been sitting in a plastic chair for the past 20 minutes for this job interview. Well... if you can even call it that.

SmartMart was a run-down convenience store just around the corner from my house. I knew it wouldn't pay much, but it was the only job opening close enough that I could walk to. Buses were so expensive these days.

I got up from my seat, sashaying to dry off my sweaty ass. What? It happens to everyone when they're nervous. It was a plastic seat for goodness sake.

The manager looked to be about 40. He had a horrible beer belly, along with beady bloodshot eyes to match. The office smelled like old cheese. I mentally sighed.

"So... Ms. Evans," Stinky Cheese slurred, "your resume looks pretty good. You know that we open 24 hours, right? I'll need you to work as the night cashier. $7.50 per hour. Interested?"

I inwardly cringed at his flashing of brown rotten teeth. The man was truly atrocious. But, I needed the money. I gulped before answering, "Definitely. I can start tomorrow."


It was 11 o'clock at night. My shift had just started, and the store was as empty as ever.

I had been working here for about a month. They were the longest 4 weeks of my life. I learned to steer clear of Lowe, the creepy manager. He was always staring at me in between shifts. Thank God I didn't work the same times as him, or who knows what could happen.

A door chime suddenly caught my attention.

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