Chapter 15

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"Your friends were really annoying today

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"Your friends were really annoying today." Paul says it casually as they walk towards his truck in the parking lot. She could practically feel her friend groups glares burning into her back as she went with the the supposed cult member. "My friends are just worried for me, plus they kind of have a right to be considering how your group is." Miley says just as casually but Paul furrows his eyebrows trying to process what she said. A slow crooked smirk coming to his lips as he looks back to her.

"And what exactly is our group like?" He asks opening her door for her as she blushed at the action before looking at him with a slow teasing smile growing.

"Oh you know. Steroids and all." She says lightly patting his arm before climbing in not wanting to see if she'd pissed him off or not. Instead when he climbs into the drivers seat he wears a cocky smile. Of course he of all people had to take it as a compliment, only because it came from her and that meant she was saying he was buff.

"We don't do that it's all just natural good looks sweetheart." He says in a superior voice that makes her roll her eyes but her face was still red hot in a blush. Paul was very good looking, she always thought that even when she didn't like the boy. She couldn't describe the weird pull she felt towards him but it was like all she could see as handsome was him now.

Before she would have been hot and heavy for Ian somerhalder, Channing Tatum, or some other celebrity. But now she saw Paul as the pure definition for the word, he himself could be a model or celebrity in her eyes.

"Earth to Swan." Paul says waving a hand in her face before grabbing the wheel. She quickly looks over face STILL hot and now with embarrassment. "Sorry. Was just thinking." She says not looking at him as he glances at her waiting for more details. He could only imagine what she was thinking about to make her face that red.

"About what?" He asks curiosity getting the best of him and he tries to hide his smirk as she seems to glare at him for asking. "Nothing." She says but that only makes his smirk peek out and for her to narrow her eyes at the boy. "I'm sure." Paul mutters as she begins to turn back to the window but she immediately whips back around and scowls at him.

"I said it was nothing..... what do you think I was thinking about?" She asks trying to come off nonchalantly but it does the opposite when she sees him puffing his chest out a bit and biting his lip before a teasing smile graces his lips.

"I mean- we were just talking about my muscles so maybe how devilishly handsome I am?" He shrugs with a slight snicker at the end as Miley swats at his chest but he doesn't even look fazed by it. "I was not." She tries to say in a strong voice but it comes out a little high pitched making him hold his hands up in surrender at a stop sign. "Your right. My mistake." He says before a smirk yet again comes to his face. No wonder it's what he was known for throughout La Push.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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