Chapter 22 ~ Strangers

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"I still don't think it is safe," Everett protested as Vivienne began to pack up their things in preparation to leave. "We need to be further away."

Vivienne rolled her eyes. She paused in her actions and stood up, placing her hands on her hips as Everett drew nearer. She pushed a strand of blonde hair out of her face as she stared up at him. Despite himself, he felt a smile threaten to show, yet Vivienne would take that smile as a sign that his resolve was weakening and he couldn't have that.

"What do you propose we do then?" Vivienne sighed. "Do you expect us to live off the land until we get to a town so far away that word of the bounty on our head hasn't reached there yet? The chances of that happening are very unlikely. The threat that Lord Ashworth poses for us is not going to go away. We're never going to reach a place safe for us because he won't give up," she said with a note of despair in her voice.

Her fists were clenched at her sides and Everett reached for her hands, gently uncurling her fingers before bring her hands to his lips and placing a light kiss on them. "Don't give up hope. All that matters is that we're together, the rest we can deal with."

"Even if we do manage to get ahead of the news being put out by his minions, what are the chances that word of our bounties eventually won't reach wherever we go to settle down?"

Everett put his fingers gently underneath her chin, bringing her gaze to his. "If it comes down to it, if there is no other way, we can build ourselves a cabin in the woods far from civilization. I would do that, for you."

Her golden eyes softened. "I'm the one that's supposed to be the voice of reason, remember?" she teased as she leaned in for a kiss.

When they broke away for air Everett chuckled. "I promise I'll leave the logic and reason to you unless of course you start to be hopeless again. All is not lost for us, it's just beginning."

"Sounds like a deal." Vivienne smirked. "Now, while we're back to focusing on logic and reason, we need to go into town and get food. Arguing with me will not work."

Everett sighed. "We don't know if it is safe. They might spot and recognize us. Then we'll have ourselves another incident like the one that happened last time. Incidents like that draw more attention on us. I would be surprised if Lord Ashworth hasn't heard about it by now. We need to be more cautious."

"How about only one of us goes into town?" Vivienne suggested. I'll go into town, make sure to wear my cloak and be back before you know it. I'll only get the necessities. It'll be fine."

But Everett was already shaking his head no. "I disapprove of that plan. No way, I don't want you to put yourself in danger. Much less put yourself in danger when I am not around and helpless to intervene."

Vivienne frowned. "You don't get to tell me what to do. It is much safer for me to go into town. If you have forgotten, my bounty stipulates that I must be kept alive. There is no sure safety for you. If you're caught, you could die." She crossed her arms defiantly. "If I'm caught then at least I'll be kept alive. I will be alive for you to find me and rescue me," she paused, "that is, if I don't save myself first."

Everett smiled, trying a new tactic. Giving her orders wouldn't work. "So I'm the back-up plan, is that it?" Vivienne nodded. "Your logic and reason is just fine, but I have a point against your side, my bounty is less. They'll be looking for you more than me. I'll be safer, less chance of getting caught."

"Unless they catch you and keep you in hopes that they can get information from you on my whereabouts," Vivienne retorted.

"Exactly, so then I wouldn't be killed. I would wait around for you to rescue me," he told her, amused by the way her eyes lit up at the chance to repay him for what she thought she owed. He wished she would understand that he didn't see it as her owing him. They were equals, no one owed the either. "That is, if I don't save myself first," he joked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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