Chapter 3 ~ Resistance

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Chapter 3 ~ Resistance

The nonstop movements of servants only made Vivienne all too aware of the passing time and the annoying knowledge that she had done nothing to be get tonight’s wedding called off. She hadn’t had the time; since she woke up she had been forced into tasks that required completing. She had no idea about how the arrangements were going but considering that her mother was orchestrating all of this there was no chance that everything wouldn’t be ready by sunset tonight. Yet she still held out hope that the wedding would be postponed until tomorrow, giving her more time.

She stiffened as a sharp needle poked through the fabric of the constraining, suffocating wedding dress. The old lady making alterations to the dress didn’t seem to care one bit that she was causing her discomfort.

“Be more careful,” her mother snapped. “We can’t have you getting blood on the dress; that would look dreadful.” Vivienne wasn’t sure to who she was speaking to, her or the seamstress so with a lot at each other they both nodded to appease her mother. Her mother sighed rubbing at her forehead. “Vivienne, you’re going to give me grey hairs.

“Sorry, mother,” Vivienne replied. An idea came to her. “Maybe you should go oversee the food arrangements? I’m sure we’ll be just fine here without your supervision?”

Her mother considered and Vivienne held her breath hoping that her mother didn’t come to the conclusion that she was trying to get rid of her. “Yes I think I’ll do just that. I have to also check on Lord Ashworth, see that he’s comfortable before his wedding.”

Annoyance prickled at Vivienne as she realized the double standard. It was her wedding to and she was told it was one of the best days in a woman’s life, yet today had started off miserably and was continuing to do so without any hope of getting better.

“Oh, and after you’re done here see that you eat something. Can’t have you feeling faint while there is still so much to do, however, don’t eat too much, you need to make sure you fit in your dress.” And with that she walked away leaving her daughter glaring at her retreating figure. Her words would have hurt more if Vivienne hadn’t already been accustomed to hearing such things all her life. It was nothing new to her.

“Are we almost done?” she asked. Maybe she could try and use the time she was given for lunch to do something to get the wedding stopped.

“Almost, but we wouldn’t want you to look anything but your very best, now would we?” the old lady replied. Vivienne didn’t really care considering she was planning on the wedding being cancelled but she said nothing and waited impatiently for the woman to be done so she could set things in motion.

She donned on her blue dress she had been wearing before and left, cutting through the courtyard where the wedding would take place. It had a wonderful view of the lake she supposed which was why this location had been chosen.

Seats were already placed and she was surprised by the number of them. Her mother had gone all out. A man with shoulder length hair watched her strangely but she paid him no attention, only briefly wondering how uncharacteristic of her mother it was to have hired someone with hair such as his. Her mother detested how unkempt it looked when men’s hair was so long. But then she dismissed her thoughts, she had other things to worry about.

She went through the dining hall on the way to the kitchens which were close by in order to serve the food quickly. Many more tables had been placed in the room to accommodate the guests. She could smell the food being prepared from a while away.

She spotted the head cook immediately once she entered the kitchen. He was moving about frantically trying to prepare everything. She went over to her. He scowled at the interruption before realizing who she was.

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