Chapter 1 ~ Arrangements

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So first, even though this story is in a way a sequel to Distinctly Different its based on new characters so you don't have to read the first book to read this one. Some characters from the previous story will show up in this one but I'll explain them a bit. But the main point is that you can read this story by itself or before the other one, it doesn't really matter

Recap on werewolf types, descriptions copied from the first story...In case anyone forgot or hasn't read the first book...

The black wolves were the most docile out of all the werewolves. They still acted like wolves but there were few reports where a black wolf had killed a human. Humans were the least scared of this type of werewolf, if they saw one, they likely wouldn’t try to kill it. They would simply pretend that they hadn’t seen it and let it get away. In real human form, they tend to be the shy, quiet and nice.

The brown wolves were just the perfect combination of wolf and human instincts. Not too dangerous, they typically tended to hunt animals such as deer and they normally left humans alone, although reports have been heard of a brown wolf attacking a human. In human form, they just appear to be an average human, not to quiet and shy, nor loud and obnoxious. Usually humans are surprised when they find out who the brown wolves really were in real life.

The red wolves are the most common; they’re also the craziest ones. They can appear harmless at some moments, and then they can just snap and attack with no warning. Their temper is terrible, one sign that someone might be a werewolf is when they get angry quickly and sometimes for no reason. The red wolves have to be extremely careful to keep their temper under control when they’re in human form among humans, lest they be discovered.

The least seen and reported wolf is the silver wolf. They tend to keep to themselves away from civilization in wolf form. Even in human form, they stay away from towns unless they absolutely have to; they are the loners of the werewolves. Silver wolves are content to stay with their family or pack, they have no desire to be around humans who long to see and kill a silver wolf. Since silver wolves aren’t spotted often, seeing one and especially killing one is an amazing accomplishment although not many humans believe the sighting without any proof.

Like the silver wolf, the golden wolf isn’t seen very often, but unlike the silver wolf, the golden wolf is actually very rare. The reason many humans don’t see a golden wolf is that there aren’t very many in the world. They are the best at going about in the wolf form unseen because they need to. They learned to not be spotted by humans because since golden wolves are so rare, killing one is another amazing accomplishment and the fur can be sold for a high price. In their human form they are very helpful and quite successful in their life among humans. They get the good jobs that pay well because they do such great work. They are also very persuasive, probably a big factor in attaining great jobs.

Out of all the types of werewolves, the white wolves were the worst. The white wolves had no control over their instincts and bloodlust, thus they were the most dangerous. There have been numerous reports of white wolves killing humans and that’s why white wolves were considered such a menace to humanity. They were a big priority and almost every human wished to see the race wiped out. In human form, white wolves are the adventurous humans, they’re quite athletic but indecisive at times. They also are the type to get in loads of trouble, sometimes resulting to them being exposed for what they are.


Chapter 1 ~Arrangements

When Vivienne heard that her parents wanted to talk to her from a servant, she found herself dreading it. Her parents barely ever were in the same room as her. Generally the only time they acted amiable towards her was when they were entertaining guests.                                               

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