Chapter 9 ~ Solidarity

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Chapter 9 ~ Solidarity

Everett almost hadn’t recognized his target when she walked into the main room of the inn. He hadn’t quite expected her to be in town yet so when she started to walk over he thought nothing of it until he looked up and caught her staring at him.

There were a few things different about her. Her long blonde hair had been unevenly cut to the point where it reached just under her chin. Her bangs were covering her eyes when she looked down at her plate but when she looked back up he froze, schooling himself not to show his reaction to her eyes. From what he had heard her eyes had been brown and just then the eyes that had met his were a vibrant, glowing golden. That only added to the evidence that his group had that proved she was a golden werewolf.

He had made small talk and inquired about the reason she was at the inn but she disclosed no details. Instead she asked about him and he had lied and told her he was meeting his brothers. In reality he had wasted time until dinner which was when Griffin would try something with the girl and he would swoop in and heroically defend her.

When he walked in unintentionally late for dinner he had thought that their plan had been messed up but the girl was still in the main room. He sat down with her with the intention of more meaningless talk but she surprised him by offering him what was left of her food. He took full advantage of her offer, or at least tried to for Griffin chose right then to stage the next part of their plan. Griffin didn’t look his way as he

Everett still could remember the frightened expression on her face as she was pulled out of the inn. It was not unlike the one she had on currently before he pulled her into his arms to comfort her. He had no idea what possessed him to do that but she seemed to respond well to it, just like she had after he had saved her from Griffin, Ezra and Felix.  Saved her by acting out a not-quite fake fight. He hadn’t held back when he was fighting them, using the opportunity to get back at them for various past transgressions. A decision that would likely cost him when he met up with the group.

He rubbed her back reassuringly and when he deemed her to be okay he pulled back and brushed the hair from her eyes, staring into them. “Are you okay? What happened?”

She hesitated, deciding what to tell him. “Nothing, let’s just go inside and get rooms,” she replied. Everett contemplated asking her to tell the truth but decided not to. She didn’t seem in the mood to spill all her secrets.

They went into the in and Everett stepped up to speak to the innkeeper. “Two rooms, please.” But even before he finished speaking lady at the front desk was shaking her head.

“I only have one room available. A very esteemed individual arrived recently and he and his group took up many of the rooms,” the woman stated.

Everett and the innkeeper both watched Vivienne waiting for her to say no. He expected her to have a problem because she had to share a room with him, a man she barely knew. The woman expected her to say no because her honor could be compromised by staying in a room with a man she wasn’t married to.  “That’ll be fine. Can I go up to the room soon?”

Everett paid the woman and before he could take the key Vivienne snatched it up. He smiled in amusement. “Thank you,” he said to the innkeeper. Vivienne stared down at her hands, turning over the key again and again.

The innkeeper nodded and wiped her hands on the stained white apron tied around her waist. “Dinner’s just about to be served, you might as well stick around here then go up to your room,” she suggested helpfully.

Vivienne forced a smile. “Thank you but I’m feeling unwell, I’m going to go rest up in our room. You can stay down here and eat,” she told him and without giving him a chance to reply she was gone.

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