Chapter 13 ~ Family

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Chapter 13 ~ Family

Vivienne had spent most of the day ignoring Everett and for the last few hours avoiding him. She had planned on just staying in the room for the day but Everett had realized something was wrong and had left for the day. He could realize that something was wrong and give her space, but he could realize that she had grown to like him and how hurt she was.

She had fully invested herself in kissing him and then he had pushed her away and made a joke of it all, trivializing her feelings. It just made the rejection worse and increased the hurt she felt. Then he had the nerve to just go to sleep as if nothing had happened.

So now she just wanted some time to be alone and sort through her feelings. At the very least she wanted to be able to act normal around him despite everything. She couldn’t keep up the act for much longer if he stayed near her.

She had eaten lunch due to the fact that Everett was out and after almost two hours of being hold up in the room she had become antsy and suddenly she felt like she should be the one to apologize. It wasn’t fair to blame Everett entirely. It was partially her fault as well or mistaking his interest in her. Clearly he felt nothing for her considering how easily he had restrained himself and pushed her away.

She had been feeling bored anyways. She left the room, locking the door behind her and made her way outside. She stood in the street for a bit, wondering which direction to go to and then spotted a market a while away. That seemed like a good place to start. Even if she didn’t find Everett there she could browse the market. That would at least give her something to do.

The vendors paid her no attention not deeming her worthy of it. She supposed that she didn’t seem like the type anymore to buy their wares. She couldn’t help but think that if she looked like she was of the Thorn family that they would be falling all over themselves trying to impress and see to her needs.

She smiled in amusement as some kids pushed past her screaming as they played whatever game. How she wished she was as carefree as them. Even when she was young her childhood was abnormal. Her mother hadn’t deemed the local kids worthy enough to spend time with her. The children that she did approve of were the sons and daughters of other well known families. Those children were stuck-up and spoiled from a young age, leaving Vivienne no interest in spending time with them. Not that she had been able to do many normal activities with them for her mother thought children should act mature like adults.

She snapped out of her thoughts as she spotted Everett a little ahead. She followed him at a distance and saw him sit down on a nearby bench. She kept walking, intending to sit beside him but before she could get there a girl, slightly older than her took the vacant spot. She had never seen her before but Everett didn’t look like he recognized her either. This girl was evidently bold to just go up to a man she didn’t even know and strike up a conversation.

Her legs carried her closer without her really delegating the task. She couldn’t help the morbid curiosity she felt as she watched the beautiful curvy red-head laugh in response to something Everett had said. She should have just walked away and headed back to the inn. But she didn’t. She just kept staring as the girl leaned in and Everett did so too.

Her breath caught as she saw them kiss but she couldn’t tear her eyes away. So this is why he didn’t want to kiss her back that night. He preferred curvy, busty red-heads, she thought meanly. She could see why he wanted her. She was in the process of convincing, almost forcing herself to leave when Everett looked at her. His face conveyed his surprise. They kept eye contact for a little longer before she turned and ran. How cowardly.

She couldn’t stand to face him. Yet she could easily hear the sounds of Everett pursuing her. She wished that he would just leave her alone. Why couldn’t this also be an incident that they both ignored and didn’t speak of? She kept running but could feel herself getting tired. She should have been doing more endurance training, she noted bitterly.

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