Chapter 8 ~ Defense

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Chapter 8 ~ Defense

Everett didn’t pry anymore into why those men had tried to capture her and she didn’t offer up any more details. Suddenly tired she parted ways with Everett and headed to her room and climbed into bed. However there she became restless and kept thinking about how lucky she was that Everett had been there when those men had barged in to try and take her again. She doubted the innkeeper would have lifted a hand to help her.

She would use Everett’s protection until she got far enough away from those men and Vince Ashworth. Then she would have to split up with him. Assume a different identity and live a life that wouldn’t be noticed by anyone who would cause her harm.

She had no definite destination in mind; she was just trying to get far away. However the thought of going to another kingdom was too enticing to say no to. The question was when would be the best time to head off on her own without Everett? She tried to work out this problem but when she finally dozed off she had no answers. She would have to figure that out during their journey. She would also have to find a way to thank Everett for all he had done.

Since she was awake quite late into the night she was out completely when a knock on her door broke through to her and she groggily opened her eyes. She rubbed her eyes as she shuffled over to the door and unlocked it. She cracked it open and peered out. She was surprised to see Everett out there for she wouldn’t have thought him to be an early riser.

Everett gave her a sunny smile. “It’s me,” he nodded to a plate in his hands. “I come bearing breakfast.” She glanced down and determined herself to be decent and let him in. he set down the plate of eggs on the small table in her room and cast a look around her room. “Did I just wake you up?” She yawned in reply. He chuckled as he sat down on her unmade bed. “Sorry. I just thought it would be best to wake up early and head out. Travel as much distance as we can. We can make camp when we’re past the halfway point.”

That caught her attention. “We’re not going to make it to a town tonight?”

Everett shook his head. “No? That too large a different even with a horse to ride. You should be happy you don’t have to walk or it would take three times as long.” She frowned. “I take it you expected to sleep only in inns?” She blushed at how stupid he made her sound.

“No, I just hadn’t anticipated it so soon. I expected I would eventually run out of money and so have to sleep outside but,” she trailed off. “I’m rather new at this.”

“Luckily you have me to teach you the ways of living on the road.” He pointed to the eggs. “Now eat, you’ll need your strength. I’ve been up since before the breakfast bell getting everything we need for today and tomorrow so once you’re ready we’re off.”

She nodded and when he didn’t move she raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to leave? I need to change.” She crossed her arms when he made no move.

“Go ahead. It won’t bother me,” he joked as he got up and walked past her. When he was close to her he winked down at her. She rolled her eyes and kicked the door shut after him. She quickly ate and changed into some fresh clothes then left the room. She handed back her room key to the innkeeper. Everett waited outside near a huge black stallion.

“Your horse?” she asked. He nodded and took her bag to tie it to the saddle.

“His name is Shadow,” he told her proudly. He nodded to the horse and she climbed up into the saddle. Everett got up behind her and his arms reached past her to grab the reins. She smelled cinnamon for a moment and then Shadow was off. Vivienne was very aware of the warmth his body was radiating. She could feel his chest pressed up against her back.

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