Chapter Four

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Present Day

Ollie opened her eyes and stared at the roof of her tent with a tired expression. Her internal clock told her that it was very early, and that she should go back to sleep. Not even the birds were awake to signify dawn was approaching.

Maybe a walk would help. She sat up and turned the heater off and got out of her tent. A cloudy night tonight that promised a fresh dusting of snow in the morning.

Ollie ducked back in her tent a moment and snatched up her time-traveling device. The stupid thing wasn't working anymore, which made it harmless, but something told her she needed it tonight. She wasn't sure what she would need it for, but she took it nonetheless.

She started off through the woods, her footsteps completely concealed by the snow. It was eerily quiet out here, something that she normally would've enjoyed, but she was unusually alert and tense.

Ollie was beginning to learn that this sixth sense was a gift, and that she should cherish it and use it to protect herself and those that she loved.

Not that there were many anymore.

She sighed and leaned against a tree, looking out into the white, gloomy forest. She tried to relax and closed her eyes briefly-

Ollie let out a yelp as someone grabbed her and tackled her into the snow. She attempted to fight back or wrestle herself out of their grip, but whoever it was was much stronger than her, and trained in combat.

Her head was pushed into the snow and held there as another assailant grabbed her wrists and wound something around them. They started to do the same with her ankles, but she managed to kick them away and pull her skull out of the snow.

Ollie ran as fast as her legs could take her. She jumped and pulled her arms under her so that they were in front. She started to work on the rope bindings as the two people chased her.

She was grabbed and tackled again. She turned and attempted to punch them, but she saw a glint of brass knuckles and ducked just in time. However, the knuckles were swung again and made contact with the bridge of her nose.

Ollie raised her hands to her burning, stabbing nose and took a deep, ragged breath though her mouth. She rolled over and attempted to pull herself away, but one of the two grabbed the back of her coat and pulled her up and back, then punched her again, same place.

She watched her ruby blood splatter across the snow and admired the stark contrast. A rebellion in a strictly monotone place.

Hey. Eyes on getting out of here, please!

Despite her teary eyes and her pounding headache, she continued to fight back, ducking and dodging. She was slowly being forced further into the forest. She was tiring quickly, and the warm blood on her face that was dripping down her neck was starting to make her woozy.

The first assailant raised their heel and kicked her dead in the diaphragm. Ollie fell into the snow, feeling her throat close and her lungs scream for air.

"Stay down," the first growled, standing over her.

She glared up at them, finally taking a struggling breath. She would've run, but her abdomen and ribcage were aching.

"She's a pretty one," the second mused. "Pity we messed up 'er face."

Ollie stared at the blood in the snow and felt her heart speeding up faster. This couldn't be happening. Not to her. She was supposed to be able to avoid this kind of stuff!

She got up and attempted to run, but was tackled once more and pinned. She felt something slam into the back of her head and knew that it was meant to knock her out. However, her hat allowed for most of the blow to be cushioned, even if it didn't take away much of the pain.

"Weren't we supposed to negotiate with 'er?" the second asked.

"Nah. We don't negotiate with targets, Gary."

She heard Gary shrug. "I'm just sayin' that it might've been easier to talk to 'er about it."

"Maybe. But for now we throw her in the truck. Since you like her so much, you can stay with her."

"But it's cold!" Gary protested.

The weight was lifted from her back. "Deal with it."

The first picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. The two walked in silence for some time, then she was thrown into the back of a van. Gary, she assumed, got in after her and slammed the doors, then the engine started and the car started to move.

Ollie felt her wrists be untied, then quickly handcuffed. She opened her eye to see her position, then realized that the handcuffs were attached to one of the anchors in the van. Gary was sitting in front of her, pulling his mask off.

She swung her legs around and managed to kick him in the face. He retaliated quickly and silently, grabbing her ankles and tying them together.

"You got a strong kick," he commented, rubbing his jaw.

"What are you going to to do me?" she asked, spitting out blood.

"What do you think?"

She struggled against the handcuffs vainly and felt them ripping at her skin. Gary reached forward and eased her back down.

"Sleep," he said. "'S a long ride."

Ollie felt tears streaming down her face as she fought against the bindings and against him. She would not let this happen to her. Her heart was trapped in her chest, beating against her ribcage in an attempt to free itself. Adrenaline was tearing through her veins and supplying her with strength, but against metal she was helpless.

"If it makes you feel better, Miss Sky, my name is Gary Sky." He smiled faintly. "I'm one of yer ancestors."

"I don't have any children," she snarled.

"Myrian took on yer name, I think."

She stopped and stared up at him.

"Myrian's my great-great -great-great grandpa," Gary explained. "You coulda been my great-great-great-great grandma if you hadn't traveled to this timeline."

Tears burned in her gaze again. Ollie stopped struggling and curled up a little bit, trying not to cry. Myrian had moved on, married, and fathered children. He might've taken up her name, but that didn't change the fact that he'd found someone else besides her.

Gary scooted over and patted her shoulder. "Myrian was forced to marry and have kids," he said. "From what the stories say, he never stopped lookin' for you."

She wiped her nose and only saw blood on her hands. It make her cry harder. Seeing the blood scared her, which made her cry, which increased her headache, which made her nose bleed harder. It was a stupid cycle that only got worse.

Ollie glimpsed Gary getting a bit closer out of the corner of her eye and rolled away from him. He blinked. "I'm not gonna hurt you or violate you."

"Stay away from me!"

"I was just gonna give you a hug. You look cold."

Descendant or not, no one was touching her ever again. Not after she'd just been tackled and kidnapped. She gathered some blood in her mouth and spat it at him. He flinched, but got the message loud and clear.

"Fine. You can be cold if you like."

Ollie stopped struggling. There was no getting away from this. She curled up, protecting her stomach and her torso, and closed her eyes. She sniffled and got a mouthful of blood, swallowing it with a bit of difficulty. She took a wavering breath and laid on the cold floor of the van, shivering.

Gary sighed and took his coat off. He leaned forward and pulled it around her, then leaned back and glared at the windows.

Silently, she thanked him for the extra layer. It didn't warm her up, however, but was something of a safe haven. She decided that it was smart to try and sleep to regain some energy to fight back.

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