Chapter Six

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Years After

Ollie opened her eyes. She winced and blinked furiously, getting her eyes to adjust faster. 

She could finally see. And when she did, she straightened out, her mouth agape.

Ollie was standing at the edge of a massive canyon. It was red and orange and all sorts of colors, with a little bit of desert vegetation growing where it could. There was little evidence of wildlife except for the masses of people around her. Dust swirled around her feet, and orange red sand stained her clothing and her shoes.

She looked around frantically. Where was she? What was going on?

"Ollie! Don't lag behind!" a woman called. She was standing with her husband and another girl.

Ollie stared at her. Is she talking to me?

"Come on," the woman said, sounding a bit irritated. 

She didn't move. Who was this person?

And then she heard a voice that wasn't hers, and yet it was.

Hey! What's going on? Why can't I move?


Who're you?

She took a few deep breaths. What was going on? What was happening? Who was the person inside her head? Who was the woman?

"Ollie." The woman was standing over her now and trying to guide her over.

Ollie swatted her hand away and took a few steps back, narrowing her gaze.

Frustration glittered in the woman's blue eyes. "What's gotten into you?"

She turned and ran through the crowd, away from the woman.

Stop it! That's my mom! the voice cried, her tone child-like. 

"Ollie!" the woman screamed, her voice shrill from fear.

She kept running, adrenaline shooting through her veins. She distantly heard the woman calling for an officer or someone.

Ollie looked behind her and saw someone pursuing her. It was probably the woman's husband. He moved rather fast for his age.

She turned back and ran into someone. She stumbled back and stared up at him.

The person turned around and took a step back. "I'm sorry," he said, frowning a little. 

"You're okay," Ollie said, glancing behind herself again.

"Is someone chasing you?" he asked. She nodded anxiously.

He looked through the crowds and motioned for her to follow him.

Ollie followed apprehensively. She kept her head down as he pulled her further away from the family that was apparently hers.

Is he going to kidnap me?

No, he seems trustworthy.

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