Chapter Nineteen

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Years After

She's small and sitting at the dinner table. Her father and mother don't talk, simply eat.

"Momma?" she asks, her voice small.

"Yes, sweetie?" her mother replies, casting her a glance through locks of black hair.

"Can we go to the park?"

Father stiffens. The air turns sour.

Slowly, calmly, he says, "We've got your introduction with Audra today."

"I don't wanna meet Audra," Ollie says.

"Why not?"

"Because it's not in my routine! It doesn't fit! I don't wanna go!" She throws her fork and pulls at her hair.

"Ollie!" Ratchett yells. "Get control over your body!"

"Ratchett, she's just a child—"

He raises his hand and strikes her mother.

"Mom!" Ollie screams, getting out of her chair and running over to where her mother has fallen, clutching her cheek.

"Momma!" she wails. "Get up!"

"Run, Ollie!" her mother says, grabbing her shoulders. "Run!"

Ollie gasped and sat up, her breath coming fast and heavy.

"You alright?" Tyler asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror.

She swallowed bile and nodded.

He focused on the road. "You talk in your sleep. You know that, right?"

"I didn't know that," she replied.

Tyler glanced into the rear view mirror again. "What was going on at home?"

"Nothing," Ollie said. "I don't know what that dream was about."

He frowned, his eyebrows drawing together, but he didn't pry any further.

"We're almost to Wisconsin," Tyler said. "Another day or so of driving, and we'll be done."

"Yay!" Ollie squeaked.

"We'll stop in Iowa and get you home tomorrow."

She grinned and wiggled in her seat, flapping her hands.

Tyler watched her, smiled, and then looked back at the road. "Do you have family in Wisconsin?"

"Oh, yes," she replied. "Wait. I think so. Maybe. I... I don't actually know."

"You don't actually know?"

"I do," Ollie said. "I promise that I do."

Tyler gave a long sigh and leaned back in his seat. If I could pay to see what goes on in that brain of hers, I would.

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