Chapter Fifteen

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Somewhere in the Middle

Ollie was soon out of breath but delighted. Foxglove was a rather experienced dancer, probably better than her. But nonetheless, they were a pretty good pair.

He led her around the ballroom in a quick, hopping kind of dance that she'd forgotten the name of. She smiled, delighted, and he gave a slight chuckle.

"You're a good dancer," she said, keeping her voice low so only he could hear.

"I know," he said, a playful look in his eyes.

She scoffed amusedly.

This is too good to be true. Trust me. I've tried relationships. This is different.

Shut up. You're just jealous.

I am not JEALOUS, I am trying to WARN YOU!

Quiet, please. He's nice and quite the gentleman.

Ollie pulled herself from her thoughts as the dance continued. She tripped at some point, but Foxglove quickly caught her and pretended as if it'd just been a little part of the dance. She was thankful and hoped Miss Catherine hadn't saw that, if she was looking.

She glanced around the room, trying to look for the Headmistress. She didn't find her, fortunately, and felt a little relieved.

The dance came to an end. Foxglove's body pressed against hers for a few seconds as they stared at each other, just trying to catch their breaths.

"Thank you," he said, a smile tugging at his thin lips. "That was a lovely dance."

"I agree," she replied, keeping her face neutral, her eyes sparking with amusement.

"I don't think it's fit to dance again," he said, a bit of a resigned look coming to his gaze.

She nodded a bit, her curls bouncing as her head bobbed.

"However," he murmured, leading her away from the dancing floor, "have you heard of Firefly Lake?"

"Yes," she said. "It's only a mile or so away from my finishing school."

"Could you... get away tomorrow?"

"Get away?" She stopped in her tracks. 

He glanced back at her. "We'll never be able to see each other until the both of us graduate."

"We could write letters," she said, furrowing her brow.

Foxglove pulled her away from the crowd. "Letters they won't deliver. How will they think if you're sending letters to the boys' school?"

"Probably upset with me. I could lie about you being my brother."

"Unlikely. I'm sure the Headmistress isn't a complete fool."

She frowned a bit, thinking. "You're right..."

"Please," he said. "Meet me tomorrow, by the lake, on the southern side."

Ollie pressed her lips together, then sighed and nodded. Foxglove smiled and started to head away, but glanced at her at the last second.

"Oh, and wear what suits you. Not what these people think you should wear."

She stared at him as he left, a little spark of curiosity igniting.

Who was he?

This is a bad idea.

"I've got it figured out," Ollie said as she snuck out of the hedge maze. "And I can handle myself."

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