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Hanta was honestly glad it was summer break, though school starts again soon he got to enjoy time with his son.

"Babe he's only a month old, don't expect him to do a lot" you said as you sat on the floor "so? He's so cute, I wanna hug him forever" you smiled and watched as he played with Kayden's hands, as you watched them you heard a knock on the door making you sigh.

"why do people always want to come over here" you mumbled as you got up, slowly you opened the door seeing both you and Hanta's mother there "Y/n! gosh I haven't seen you since Kayden was born" she said, you smiled and gave her a hug.

"Hola mamá" Hanta's mother smiled and gave him a hug as well "you two are doing well I see" Hanta hummed and looked down at Kayden who kept moving around.

"Amor, he doesn't have that scrunch thing anymore when I pick him up" Hanta said looking upset as he picked Kayden up "well he's not a newborn anymore, what'd you expect" he gave you a sad face and turned his attention back to Kayden "Dame a mi Nieto Hanta" his mother called out, Hanta sighed and gave Kayden to her.

(Give me my grandson Hanta)

Hanta sighed and gave Kayden to her, he started smiling at her making Hanta Jealous "I want my son back" he said, you rolled your eyes at him then saw your mother all quiet, she saw you looking at her then smiled.

"What's wrong mom" you asked, she shook her head denying anything was wrong "nothing, you're growing up on me" she smiled and hugged you tightly "also...we have to go back home for a week."

You were confused and stepped back "for what?" You asked "well um for a family gathering, Y/n you know we do this every summer" you sighed then looked at Kayden "we can bring Hanta and Kayden too, we have to leave in two days" she then kissed your cheek and hugged you again.

"Mi Amor, do we have any milk for him" you nodded and pointed to the refrigerator.

After your mothers left you told Hanta what your mother told you, he didn't seem so happy about the fact that you had to go back to see your family who are very unsupportive, but he agreed with going with you just because he loves you too much.

Two Days Later

"My poor baby cried through half of the plane ride" you said as Hanta put Kayden who was asleep in the car seat, Hanta shook his head as closed the rental car door. Once your whole family was settled both of the rental's drove off from the airport.

Having to be in a plane nonstop with a baby for twelve hours drained you, both you and Kayden were knocked out in the backseat, Hanta just smiled as he looks back seeing you asleep.

Hanta was amazed when he had pulled up to your family's summer home, once the car came to a full stop he got out and woke you up.

"Come on Mi Amor, it's hot as hell" he said, you slowly opened your eyes and yawned, he laughed to himself then helped you out the car then got Kayden out the car.

He gave him to you then had gotten all of your bags and followed you inside with your parents, you all were greeted by your cousin Jordan.

"Auntie Shantel! I'm surprised you came" he said giving everyone a hug, he then saw you with Kayden then smiled at you and Hanta "who told you make a cute baby" he said, you both smiled at him then fully walked inside. You saw everyone was there either in the kitchen, living room, or outside.

You and Hanta followed your mother to one of the room suitable, it had a baby crib and was a bigger room enough to walk around in "get comfortable, we'll be here for a week you know" she said as she walked out closing the door behind her.

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