No Walk in the Park

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All of our smiles froze on our faces at the sight of our ultimate, ultimate boss, who stepped into the room, his hands in his pockets, his eyes fixed on Harsh.

None of us said anything. The room was silent if not for the TV.

He walked up to the patient and then said, "You okay?" his tone gentle.

"Y-yes sir-" Harsh tried to sit up but Dhruv shook his head at him. "I am doing okay now. They-ran tests and stuff- and I am...fine."

"How did it happen?" he asked, not looking at any of us.

At this, Harsh turned to look at me. "Uh...."

"Accident", I chimed in, unsure if this boy wants his boss involved in all this.

My dear fiancee turned to give me a cold glare of low intimacy. "And you. Why on Earth didn't you inform anyone at work about this?"

"I did."

His eyes narrowed. "I didn't mean your tightly knit team who won't tell shit when questioned" he said, giving a pointed glare to Jai who had the foresight to look apologetic.

"I was handling it", I pointed out.

"This is not for you to handle," he said icily. "You were supposed to tell Sarika who would've contacted his family."

"Yeah, we want to steer clear of the family part right this second, but you don't have to worry. Its all handled."

"Yes, I wonder what you mean by handled, especially because Nikil told me you hired two new bodyguards today." he commented, still icily polite but everyone in the room looked nervous.

I was also feeling quite nervous but hey, I was here to protect the boy and protect I shall. "That was for personal reasons."

"Personal reasons." he repeated.

"Yes. I was feeling unsafe."

His mouth set in a grim line. "You were feeling unsafe."

I decided to start prattling now. "I don't know how to tell you, Sir, but the world is kind of shitty to women. From catcalls to 'You have an attitude problem' a lot of danger lies in between. So to protect myself, I decided to make some hires."

His jaw tightened as he glared at me and I have to admit, a lot of thoughts were going on in my head at that second, starting with keeping Harsh's problem private to the fact that he looked so goddamn hot in his low-key ensemble, but the fact remained I was in front of my colleagues and right now, he was my very pissed off boss.

"I apologise", I mumbled finally. "I was handling it, there was a lot information thrown around and I didn't want to create chaos until and unless I knew things were sorted. And now they are. So..."

I paused and looked around the room, to see all of them staring at me with varying degrees of 'Shut up now' looks on their faces. I looked back at Dhruv, who was looking at me like he would either kill me or kiss me- both equally acceptable reactions, by the way.

"Sir, don't be angry with her", all of us turned to see Harsh speak up. "I-I asked them to call her- and-and-I-there are some reasons why I can't call- my parents- and she-she was just really sweet and nice all day."

What a ringing endorsement.

It was just a pity that it was guided towards the wrong person because Dhruv didn't look the least mollified. But he did look away from me to focus on Harsh. "I hope you feel better. And if you need anything-"

"Ma'am has already done way too much, sir, so I am-I am honestly good." he replied.

He gave me a small smile which I returned but it froze when Dhruv gave me a look.

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