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So it's been around a week and a half since Parker left and Chris has been excitedly sitting at the door or on the front porch awaiting Parker arrival home. I've been sick a lot lately, like bad sick. My stomach hurts so bad sometimes I can't move, or Matt has to hold me for hours on end.

"Chris wanna go with madi and i to the mall" nick said to Chris

He thought about it for a minute before agreeing

"Matt why don't you do too, it's been forever since you seen her" I said as I sat beside him

"But what if your stomach starts hurting again" he said turning to me

"I'm gonna go to the doctor while you guys are gone and I'll tell you what they say" I said smiling at him

After enough convincing he finally agreed and got ready

Around 10 minutes after they left I threw a sweatshirt and some sandals on and left to go to the doctor

I honestly hate waiting rooms, and I never realize my hatred for them until I'm in one. There is always some old man/lady sounding like they're dying, and/or some little kid who's slobbery or crying.

I finally get called back and sat in a room

"Hi Mrs. Sturniolo, so I saw you got married congratulations" she said taking my blood pressure

We made small talk as she finished the little "exam" thing they always do before the doctor came in

"Hi mauve, can you tell me what's been going on so we can figure out what's happening" she said setting down her clip board

"I've been throwing up a lot, like almost every time I eat, and I'm cramping really bad in my lower stomach" I said pointing to where the pain was

"Alrighty, we can get an X-ray to see if we can see anything and if we can see anything on there we'll do a scan and try to figure what's happening and figure out a solution

I nodded and she began filling out stuff for an X-ray

An X-ray and some kind of scan later and we were done, so now I was just waiting for a diagnosis.

"Well Mrs. Sturniolo are you ready for the news" my doctor said sitting back in her chair

I nodded and she smiled back at me

"Your pregnant"

" no that's not possible, I've been told multiple times by different specialists that I would never have kids" I said as my eyes widened

"Well it seems to be some kind of miracle, your about three weeks along now so you should be getting a small bump and we could now see the baby on an ultrasound" she said standing up

I slowly lifted my shirt up and looked and my stomach that had gotten a bit bigger since we've gotten back

"Can I get an ultrasound.. I want to have a picture of the baby to show my husband" I said smiling

"Of course follow me" she said leading me down a hall way

Honestly I was super happy to be pregnant, truth be told I couldn't of been happier. I just couldn't believe it, and I was terrified of what Matt would say or think.

"Ok are we ready" a new nurse said

I nodded and she began putting the cold gel on my stomach

Although it took a few minutes a small little itty bitty baby showed up

I began smiling from ear to ear as she began taking pictures

"Your baby seems to be health from what I can tell" she said as she put away the stuff

I nodded as I cleaned myself up

I made a quick stop to target to get what I needed to tell Matt I was pregnant, I decided on a scavenger hunt because if I told Matt myself I would end up chickening out.

I was sure to grab a pregnancy test to take so I could put it in the little box with the ultrasound picture


Hey Can you keep Matt out
for another hour or two?

Yea sure?

I'll explain everything when you
get back


I decided to make a super long scavenger hunt since knowing Chris he would absolutely have to help.

And two hours later it was done, and just in time too because Chris came barging through the front door

He frowned realized parker still wasn't home

"What's all this" matt said walking through the door

"I made a scavenger hunt for you and you have to complete it to find something exciting" I said doing jazz hands

"Can I help" Chris said jumping around

"I made you your own separate one so you'll get a different prize" I said handing him his instructions

He grabbed the paper and ran off

I gave Matt his paper and he began

"So what's the prize" nick said as he walked over to me

"You'll see. I would definitely tell you if I didn't want Matt to be the first one to find out" I said causing him to nod

Almost an hour later Matt had almost finished his and Chris had devoured all the candy i left him as his prize

I grabbed the box and he followed me to the living room

" that's a small box" Chris said furrowing his brows

"Well the real present will get bigger with time" I said smiling at him as we sat down

Nick began recording like I had asked him to as Matt took the box from my hands

He carefully opened it and he gasped loudly

"Seriously" he said after a few seconds

I nodded and he just looking at me confused

"But the doctors they said" he said softly shaking his head

"Can someone tell me what's going on" Chris said trying to look over me

Matt picked up the ultrasound picture and began looking at it as a small crept onto his face

"She's pregnant" Matt said excitedly as he looked up at us

" congratulations guys That's amazing!" Nick said hugging both of us

"When did You find out" Chris asked after congratulating us

"Today at the doctor" I said as I put the stuff back into the box

He nodded and got up and went to the kitchen

Iris, Matthew sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now