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Tomorrow marks two years since coopers been gone, it hurts me that cooper never got to be an official uncle to Nora, but I know he's looking down on us. Chris nick Matt and I haven't really had time to hang out much since Nora's been born, we've all been busy with our own things. I was pulled out of my head when Matt informed me we were at Chris and nicks house.

Nora walked/ran as fast as she could to Chris when she saw him. Chris was Nora's favorite person. Besides me and Matt.

"There's my favorite niece" Chris yelled as he ran to her, picking her up

He ran into the house with her leaving Matt and i behind

Matt and I had been trying for a second baby for almost a year now but it just hasn't worked.

But last week we just found out we were expecting a baby next year and we couldn't be happier.

"Guys we have something to tell you" I said excitedly as we all sat around the table

"Ooh what is it? Is it for me!" Chris said like a little kid

Nick smacked him on the head causing him to shut up

"No we're pregnant" I said smiling

Chris freaked out, as well as Nora her reasoning being that since her uncle Chris was excited she had to be too.

"We actually find out the gender in two days" Matt said giving a toothy smile

They both congratulated us as we continued to eat

When Chris and nick moved into this house last year they well Chris decided that since he now is an uncle he had to have two things, a bedroom for his niece, and a play set in the backyard. Knowing Chris this was probably just an excuse so Nick wouldn't make fun of him.

Matt and Chris were playing an ultimate game of hide and seek with Nora, they told her if she can find them faster than they can find her she can get anything she wants from target, so now they're both hiding poorly.

"So what are you gonna name the baby" nick said smirking at me

"Don't tell anyone I told you this but.. I already know the gender of the baby" I said smiling as I looked at my feet

"Wait really! When did you find out and does matt know!" He asked excitedly

"No he doesn't know yet and I found out yesterday" I said finally looking up at him

"When are you telling him, and when can I know" he said softly

"Im gonna tell him before dinner then probably tell Chris, but you can know now... it's a boy" I said causing him to jump around excitedly

I quickly made him sit down since Matt was looking our way

He eventually calmed down and seconds later Nora came running up the stairs

"Mom mom I won I won" she said excitedly as she ran to me

"That's amazing honey! Now to get daddy and uncle Chris and go tell them to wash up before dinner" I said before placing a kiss on her forehead

She nodded excitedly before running off

We decided to just post-mates something since no one really wanted to cook.

"Guys I actually have something to tell you" I said standing up as we started to finish up eating

Everyone's attention went to me, besides Nora but that was expected

"Ya know how I said I couldn't find out the gender of the baby for another two days.. well I kind of lied, the doctors called and they told me Were having a boy"

Matt's eyes widened bigger than dinner plates, Chris began clapping excitedly, causing Nora to throw something at him (learned from nick)

Matt hugged me tightly as nick and Chris bickered over who taught her to do that

We didn't plan on staying the night, but when Chris and Nora spent THREE HOURS building a fort in the living room to have a movie night together so they could have some 'Niece and favorite uncle quality time'.

Honestly I wasn't gonna argue because that would give me and Matt time to discuss baby names

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