Chapter 1:The Reunion

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My 18th birthday was very intense and exiting. Alcohol being consumed, couples making out or people passing out on the floor. It was very intense as I had atleast 5 beers and I was very drunk.

At that point I needed to get some fresh air so I went outside and compose myself.

When I could think and walk properly, I went for a walk to Mt. Ebbot. Even though I could think properly, I was drunk enough to not think of the dangers going up the mountain and what could possibly happen.

As I reached the top, i saw a large hole in the middle that was so deep you douldn't see the bottom of it.

And being the dumb idiot that was drunk which is me, jumped into the hole, not thinking about what would happen when I did.

??? 's POV

I was playing with my friend but then I heard a loud noise coming from the entrance of the underground, so I went to check it out.

"Don't you think this would be a bit dangerous?" my friend said as we went to check what the noise was. "As long as we're keeping our guard up and look out for each over, I think we will be fine." I explained to my friend.

When we reach the entrance of the underground, we see something- or someone on the golden flowers. I quickly grap my friend's hand and run up to the person." W-wait! Don't run up to them! "my friend shouted at me. I ignored them as I kept going to the person. I reach the person on the flowers and I see they are injured badly on the head as blood is slowly dripping on the flowers beneath them.


I slowly start opening my eyes and as soon as I do, a sharp pain struck at the back of my head. "HOLY SUGAR" I shouted from the excruciating pain in my head.

When I look up, I see two figures looking at me with a worried expression. One with dark brown and short hair with a blue and pink sweater, as the other one has a similar hair style with a slight brighter brown colour for hair with a green sweater with one yellow stripe in the middle.

"Um, are you okay?" the one with the blue and pink sweater asks me. I take a better look at her and then my eyes light up. This was my friend that went missing when we were just kids years ago. Frisk.

"Frisk? Is that you?" ignoring the pain in my head as I start to sit up slowly. "Wait, Y/N!? Why are you here!" Frisk exclaims loudly. The other person cuts her off, saying "uhm, are you goona stay there or do you wanna come with us so we can heal your wounds?"

"O-oh! If it's alright?" I ask nervously as I don't really know if it's ok if I could.

"Of course! Come on ill help you up!"frisk helps me up and we start waking to wherever they are going." So what's your name? "I ask the person politely.

" oh, my name is Chara. From what frisk called you earlier, your Y/N? "chara says." Yeah, and frisk? Have you been here the Last few years? I missed you so much! "I exclaim to frisk." Yeah I have, this place is really nice though! "frisk explained to me.

I'm goona stop here, I don't know when I'll post the next chapter, but I'll try to post as much as possible.

- 606 words

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