Magic Training /part 2 (7)

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Me and Frisk head outside in front of the house in the ruins to practice our magic as I only just started today.

"To just start with the training, do you have any experience with a real axe? If not, that's ok I can just teach you how." "I think I have tried throwing some axes when I was 15, I can do a practice throw to check maybe?"

Frisk's POV

I think for a moment, then I say "Sure, if it's a good throw, that would be great. But it's fine if it isn't, that's just how life works. You don't do something for a long period of time and people get 'rusty'."

Y/N adjusts his grip to a throwing position at a wall. He looks so cute-wait what am I thinking! I just found him after god knows how long and now I'm crushing on him!

I clear my head and watch Y/N throw the axe, aiming carefully. He looks so focused about this, he must enjoy this magic, even though he is barely able to use magic in the meantime. But he's a fast learner so I am counting on him.

He throws the axe exactly where the x was that I put on the wall with some chalk toriel gave me beforehand for this. He must have been really happy from the looks of it as he was smiling to the point that it hurt.

"Well done Y/N. You did amazing with that. Now let's see if you can create your own axe. You most likely have gotten used to it now as you are a fast learner." He looks really confident as he closed his eyes to create the sharp weapon.

He quickly got it and the axe summoned almost immediately, that even shocked me. I know he's a fast learner but I didn't think he was THAT fast.


I open my eyes as I feel an object in my hand. I was honestly surprised I could make the axe that fast. Well, frisk did say I was a fast learner, but I'm not sure if she meant THIS fast.

"You did it! In such a short amount of time too. I'm proud to have seen you again." frisk says with a large smile on her face. This made me blush by the praise I'm getting.

"Heh, t-thanks frisk. I wouldn't be able to do this if I didn't fall into the underground." Now it was Frisk's turn to blush a bit. I laugh seeing her blush, which made her blush even more.

"hey lovebirds, I'm joining on the prectice because I'm bored. I also wanna see Y/N's progress." Chara emerges from the house, making me and frisk blush at the word "Lovebirds?" me and frisk say at chara.

Yeah, I might have liked frisk a bit but I'm honestly not sure if she likes me back. "A-anyway, Y/N has been doing great with the progress. Y/N, do you mind demonstrating please?" frisk asks me.

I show chara and even they are surprised. "Wow, even we couldn't get to do that this quickly when we first practiced."chara says with surprise in their eyes.

" We should get back Inside, it's getting late and Toriel is making pie."chara says, walking back inside the house.

-helooooo! I somehow made this quicker than expected with the lack of sleep and it is 2:25am right now. But I hope you like this chapter and have a good christmas, bye everyone!

-600 words

The love for one another (Frisk x reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora