Chapter 3: Chills Rise In My Spine

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Sorry if this comes out ages later than last time, Im dead with no motivation and it being so warm in the UK. Anyway, onto the story😁

Frisk's POV

a little while later me and Y/N were just catching up on what has happened with chara listening and commenting every once in a while.

" My children, I believe it is time to go to bed. It is very late and you will be tired in the morning." toriel exclaimed to all of us.

While we enter the room, chara flops onto her bed, face first with a groan right after. Me and Y/N couldn't help but laugh a bit then get into the bed ourselves, me and Y/N sharing as there are no extra beds.

When I see Y/N climb into the bed, I felt a small blush rise on my cheeks as the bed is quite small and barely enough room for 2 people. When Y/N is in the bed, he gets into a more comfortable position and starts to slowly drift into slumber.


I slowly wake up and open my eyes to frisk saying my name and looking at me with a worried expression. "Whars up? Are you ok?" I ask frisk with slight worry in my voice. " I had a nightmare, do you mind if I c-cuddle with you? If not, it's fine and sorry for bothering you." I can barely see a large blush on her face as she asks me this.

"of course we can, like when we were younger. Are the nightmares still as bad as they used to be?" I ask frisk as she had really bad nightmares when we were younger whenever we had sleepovers.

I wrap my arms around frisk as she replys with "yes, they are still really bad. I'm very slowly getting used to them, but this one was really bad, even worse than that one time I ended up calling you at 3 in the morning,asking if you could come over."

I was really worried at this point and comforted her as best as I could until we went to sleep as both of us were really tired as we heard from our own voices and barely keeping our eyes focused on staying awake.

*In the morning*

When I wake up, I immediately blush as frisk was laying on top of me, sleeping peacefully. I take in what happened last night and decide to look at frisks features as I haven't seen her in ages, and blush even more when I see her chest on mine, surprisingly very large for an 18 year old. I mentally slap myself to stop looking.

I try to make sure my blush isn't too noticeable as frisk starts to slowly wake up.

This is all I'm doing for today

-480 words

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