Chapter 5 (100 Reads Special!)

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A/n:thank you for waiting and 100 Reads! I'm so sorry of the delay,i either forget, have no motivation or am too busy to write.

Frisk's POV

After about 2 weeks, me and Y/N have been spending alot of time together. Chara is suspecting something but I can't tell what she is thinking so I can't be sure.

I wake up and check my phone, 7:30am. That's enough time to get ready for toriel's magic lesson, I just hope chara gets up soon so she is not late. Y/N wakes up alot later so they do not join the classes. I hope he decides to one day.


I wake up feeling refreshed and motivated to do something. I then check the time and it is 7:36am, how the hell did I wake up this early? Well, nevermind. I don't think I'll get back to sleep anytime soon.

I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom to change, as I have clothes in my bag from a time I was at a sleepover and forgotten to take them out.

After I get changed, I make my way to the kitchen to see if frisk is there. Most likely she will be as it is only 7:48am. I enter the kitchen and I see toriel,frisk and chara who looks like she just woke up.

"morning frisk, chara and toriel." I say, sitting down. "Good morning Y/N, your up early." toriel exclaims. She hands me a plate of pie and I start eating.

"Y/N, since your up before class, do youbwanydvfifhfhufifhh--" (take 2)

"do you want to join in magic class seeming that you up now?" frisk asks me. Knowing that I love magic, she already knows the answer.

"yes! I love magic, especially when it is basically a one in a lifetime choice now. " I say, knowing that she knew I was going to say yes.

Chara's POV

I hear frisk and Y/N talking about magic class as it seems that Y/N is actually coming with us this time. I mean, why would someone not like to learn magic, especially monster magic? I actually wonder what soul type Y/N is. I might ask him at some point today. If he knows his soul type that is.

-sorry this took so long. I have been dead :/. I'm not sure if I should continue this story, and start a little nightmares story because I an getting into it alot and I wanna make a story of ln2. Anyway, I will try to make the next chapter longer if I continue this series.

-449 words

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