*y/n clears the evidence to their crimes*

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...eat some cheese?" Cheeson continues "but... wouldn't that be cannibalism? well atleast for you, not me, i'm not the one who's a wheel of cheese" "hmmm... I didn't tell you yet huh" he says "TELL ME WHAT!?" you exclaim. Cheeson stares into your eyes you think... you can't really tell since his eyes are holes y'know- anyways, he stares into your eyes and sighs "nvm" he says. After ~2 minutes of silence, you stand up and ask Cheeson if he wants to bake some bread with you, he says yes and you both go into the kitchen. while watching youtube, waiting on the dough to rise you hear sirens outside your house and Steve bangs on your door. "Y/N!!! OPEN UP CUS I GOT THE COPS" Steve yells "oh shit" you say knowing that you're guilty of not only stealing Steve's golden supreme branded lambo (yes, yes it's back) but also for stealing a wheel of cheese NO! not JUST a wheel of cheese but a sentient wheel of cheese named Cheeson. "Put me in your fridge and pretend i'm a regular wheel of cheese ig" Cheeson says, clearly thinking the same thing as you were just a second ago. So, what do you do? that's right, you do what he says and open the door to see Steve's enraged face...

wheel of cheese x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now